*Guy on the subway sees my Dungeons & Dragons jacket*
GUY: Heeeey~! D&D! D&D is the best!
ZUB: Yeah!
GUY: I had the craziest D&D thing happen to me…
I assume we’re going to talk about his current campaign or playing when he was younger.
GUY: I got in a bar brawl for real.
ZUB: Like, in real life?
GUY: Yeah, yeah, YEAH! A for real bar fight and, as it was happening, all I could think was “Awww shit, this is just like D&D!!”
ZUB: Okaay~
GUY: So I’ve got two dudes ready to kick my ass and I’m strategizing like it’s all a game. Y’know, improve my armor class or disarm ’em or just anything!
ZUB: How’d that go?
GUY: HAHAHA, that’s the craziest part!
In my head’ I’m freaking out but I’m also thinkin’ like “What would Dripwell my Dwarf do”, y’know?!
ZUB: Sure.
GUY: Well, Drips would fuckin’ go for their legs…
ZUB: So you-
GUY: So, that’s what I did!
ZUB: Really?
GUY: Yeah, man and it was a nat 20! A complete tackle to the ground and that dude went down like a sack of potatoes!
ZUB: What about the other guy?
GUY: As soon as the first guy went down, I scrambled over him and ran right the fuck outta there!
Drippy knows when to get the fuck out of a bad situation. Move those dwarf legs and ruuuuuun, amIright?
ZUB: Wow. I, uh, I’m glad you didn’t get hurt.
GUY: My shoulder hurt for a couple days. Adrenalin and all that.
*Dude glances around and sees what station we’re pulling up to*
GUY: Oh shit, this is my stop. Gotta go.
ZUB: Thanks for the story.
GUY: One more quick thing – Wanna know why my guy was called “Dripwell?”
ZUB: Sure.
GUY: Because he had a huge dwarf DICK yoooo~!
He steps off the train, but turns back to look at me with a big smile and a fist raised as he yells “D&D!!”
Everyone else packed on the train during rush hour looks at me like I’m insane.
This energy is best energy