Heading to the Toronto Comic Arts Festival here in downtown Toronto. If you can, come down and say hello! I’ll be in the Hacienda lounge where all the discussion panels are being held. It’s also where the booze is… so stop by! If you’re coming by subway, the TCAF show is right around the corner from Bathurst Station. Easy access, free admission… you have no excuse not to be there if you’re in Toronto.
One of the card game projects is finally approaching some semblance of light at the end of tunnel. While finishing off assigning that stuff, managing other projects and all the comic marketing madness I was able to slip in time to do two little spot illos for Dungeon Magazine:

Medieval Bar Sign
Magical Staves
Nothing too fancy, but I like ’em. I actually digitally painted right over my rough sketches, leaving no real line art behind, which is a technique I’m growing more comfortable with bit by bit.