Street Fighter Legends: Cammy #2 Solicit

Arriving in August…



writer Jim Zub
artist Omar Dogan
cover A Omar Dogan
cover B Rob “Robaato” Porter
cover C (homage) Edwin Huang

It’s the stinging bee versus the hungry spider, when Cammy gets up close and personal with Juri! But Juri’s not the only deadly damsel on the scene. This issue opens with a battle between five ferocious female fighters, all with ties to Shadaloo!

Plus in a special bonus story, Akuma learns that branding yourself as a demon means you may also be hunted as one!

  1. Is this appropriate for middle grades?

    • It’s a bit advanced for middle grade. There’s no questionable content (some punching and kicking since it is Street Fighter) but the story and vocabulary might be a bit beyond an 8-9 year old.

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