San Diego Comicon 2011 whipped by and I’m still trying to recover. It was a fun show, but the whole thing came and went in a flash.
Thanks to everyone in the UDON crew and the gang at Image for helping to make it a special week. I wasn’t as social as usual this year with the crush of things that had to get done keeping me running almost the entire time, but that’s all part of the Comicon experience. When I had a bit of time to take it all in, it amazed me how much of it I take for granted. It’s an amazing place and the people I’ve met thanks to the show each year are some of my nearest and dearest friends.
Thanks also to friends, pros, reviewers, retailers and fans who came by to tell me how much they’ve been enjoying Skullkickers. It means the world to me to hear that it’s keeping you entertained.
This week is all about following up on the momentum built at the show interspersed with tiny daydreams about what may yet be for next year.