New York Comicon wrapped up yesterday afternoon and it went intensely well. In many ways NYCC was the show I was hoping San Diego Comicon would be; great networking, industry and fan outreach, solid sales and a lot of fun. Don’t get me wrong, SDCC was pretty good but in every department NYCC delivered a lot more this time out.
A year ago Edwin and I were signing copies of our sold out 1st print Skullkickers #1’s and a year later we were selling issues #11’s and trade paperbacks. We had some folks who came back, remembered us and got all caught up. A lot of others who brought their collections because they’d been buying the series ever since they met us a year earlier. It was amazing.
The Munchkin Skullkickers announcement on Saturday morning helped too. We had quite a few people beeline over to the table to ask about it and others who noticed the banner we had up and bought the book because they enjoy Munchkin. The more cross pollination we can get (gamers trying SK and our readers playing Munchkin, if they’re not already) the better.

Click for the MTV article on Munchkin Skullkickers!
I’m staying in New York an extra day to tackle some business meetings I have lined up and I’ve got my fingers crossed that they go well.
All in all New York was the perfect way to finish a very heavy convention schedule and remind myself why I’ve been burning the midnight oil so much for this crazy business.

Sold out on Sunday!