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Conan the Barbarian #5 Reviews

Conan the Barbarian #5 arrived in comic shops today. I don’t think I’ve ever received so many messages or reviews for the fifth issue of a comic I’ve written before. Thank you for the support and for sharing your enthusiasm far and wide! Let’s see what the critics thought of it-

Amazon: “Are we absolutely sure there isn’t a secret story fragment they uncovered from Robert E. Howard that is fueling these comics? Because that’s how they feel”

Big Comic Page: “Ably aiding the story-telling within this issue is the ‘diabolical’ Doug Braithwaite, whose pencils do a sterling job in portraying the squalor of Shadizar and the grotesque grimness of the Cimmerian’s route to the fortress’ Moratorium.”

Comic “Zub really finds a great rhythm here once he gets going. It’s paced much more efficiently than most of that first arc, with the heist element making things even faster as it goes along.”

Comical Opinions: 8.5/10 “Zub’s picture of a more mature Conan gives the series the weight of continuity and importance, while the addition of Braithwaite on pencils/inks is a welcome change in style.”

Comicon: 10/10 “Conan the Barbarian harkens back to the golden age of adventurers and captures the spirit of the Sword & Sorcery genre so completely that I feel transported back to the days of reading pulp books under the covers well past my bedtime.”

Comics Beat: “The figure work is dynamic and full of weight. Everyone feels like a Frazetta novel cover, and I love that. Braithwaite employs a dynamic pacing by mixing up the layouts and does some interesting things with page composition that is a delight to read…it is a great jumping on point for Titan’s Conan. If you missed out on the series and want to check it out, this is an excellent place to start.”

Get Your Comic On: 8/10 “A vibrant comic with strong illustrations, the story is more deep than you would expect and certainly will become a lot deeper as we continue. Conan is back strong with this new arc and I am ready for it.”

Grimdark Magazine: “Conan the Barbarian #5 marks a promising start for the second story arc. Braithwaite has a very different visual style than his predecessor, but his gory theatrics a good fit for the series.”

Hither Came Conan: “The new art team of Doug Braithwaite and Diego Rodriguez did a phenomenal job. Their style, their tone, it all works for Conan…This was a great kickoff to the new arc.”

Infinity Flux: “Have no worries, the art is fantastic. Doug Braithwaite is a classic artist…Happy to say that Conan continues to be one of the best books on the shelf.”

League of Comic Geeks: “I am consistently shocked by how much this series I never planned to pull or expected to love so much is one of the best indies I’ve been reading.”

My Kind of Weird: 8/10 “It injects some much-needed life back into the IP of Conan the Barbarian…The story is solid and it makes me want to pick up another issue.”

Pop Culture Philosophers: “The enthusiasm for Conan and his world and the meticulous nature in which it’s presented here absolutely rocks. This book has been so much fun. This book feels literary. This book feels exciting. This book feels like exactly what we need in comics right now!…Jump in if you haven’t already.”

Sci-Fi Pulse: 9.7/10 “Jim Zub continues to deliver what feels like the kind of Conan Stories that are very true to the stories that were written by the character’s late creator Robert E. Howard.”

Set the Tape: “The lyricism [Zub] brings to his characters here is excellent, creating a believable yet epic grandeur to their actions. His descriptions of the exotic sights manage to also pique the readers’ interest, making the job of new artists and colorists Doug Braithwaite and Diego Rodriguez that much easier.”

Stygian Dogs: “Doug Braithwaite’s superlative debut continues the series’ excellence. Titan Comics and Heroic Signatures’ Conan the Barbarian continues to be the must read series.”

Thinking Critical: “It was a whole lot of fun and really sets up a new adventure for Conan that’s going to feel different and unique…Once again, [Zub] paid tribute to the source material doing something that’s never been told before, but definitely felt like Conan.”

Todd Luck: “Artwork is a big selling point for Conan and this is absolutely worth the price of admission…Titan Comics and the creators who are putting this out seem to have a very good grasp on what makes a very good Conan the Barbarian comic.”

Wakazashi’s Teahouse: 8/10 “There’s some great dialogue and great narration. At times it feels like it’s falling off the pages of [Robert E.] Howard’s books.”

Free Comic Book Day 2024: Conan the Barbarian

Heroic Signatures and Titan Comics are pleased to announce that CONAN THE BARBARIAN will feature as part of FREE COMIC BOOK DAY, May 4, 2024. Written by Jim Zub with art by Jonas Scharf, this issue will launch a BATTLE OF THE BLACK STONE event, which will roll out through late Summer and into the Fall, building on plotlines introduced in the critically acclaimed CONAN THE BARBARIAN ongoing series.

CONAN OF CIMMERIA is haunted by shadows, a nightmare of events glimpsed beneath dark waters of the past. The unspeakable evil foretold by THULSA DOOM looms over the Hyborian Age and every age connected to it…and it will take more than a Barbarian-King to stop its relentless march upon time, space, and sanity.

Heroic Signatures’ and Titan Comics’ CONAN THE BARBARIAN has been a critical and commercial hit, becoming the highest-selling issue in Titan Comics history. With the series in its second year, CONAN THE BARBARIAN: FCBD EDITION will give readers a taste of what’s to come, including art by brand new CONAN artist, Jonas Scharf.

“In May 2023 we kicked off a brand-new era of the Hyborian Age and used Free Comic Book Day as our first charge to reach thousands of new and lapsed readers. Now, a year later, with record-breaking sales for Heroic Signatures and Titan and an energized readership, we’re back and bigger than ever,” says series writer ‘Grim’ Jim Zub.

“There’s never been a Conan the Barbarian event book before, but that changes in 2024 with BATTLE OF THE BLACK STONE! The mythic power at the heart of Robert E. Howard’s legendary storytelling will be unleashed. Our Free Comic Book Day prelude issue is perfect for new readers as it sets the stage for high adventure, visceral action, and eldritch horror.”

Free Comic Book Day takes place every year on the first Saturday of May. With over two thousand stores and several comic book publishers participating, the event gives readers a chance to grab a free comic and meet fellow comic readers. Readers can find their local participating store HERE.

Look out for more news on Free Comic Book Day 2024 from Titan Comics, as well as everything CONAN. You can follow Titan Comics on Facebook,X, and Instagram.

Conan the Barbarian #4 Reviews

Bound in Black Stone, our first story arc for the new series, comes to an epic conclusion in CONAN THE BARBARIAN #4! What did the critics think?

Comical Opinions: 9.5/10 “Conan the Barbarian #4 ends the perfectly crafted first arc on a high note with action, mythos, adventure, and excitement. Zub should be proud of his near-flawless take on the world’s most famous barbarian, and De la Torre’s art is an exquisite pairing.” 10/10 “Conan The Barbarian feels like you are reading an undiscovered pulp classic for the first time and an actual new installment to a landscape you have tread a thousand times before”

European Lore: “It is everything you want from a Conan the Barbarian story…This is the best comic book experience of 2023.”

Geek Hard: “It has everything you want in a classic literary story with all the blood and guts you expect…I’m just really blown away by the artwork and story on this one.”

Grammaticus: “Well done, Titan Comics. Two thumbs up on this one. I really liked it a lot. This is a super strong comic on a super strong series…This comic line is going to go down as one of the great Conan comic books.”

Hither Came Conan: “Holy s**t! This was such a great freakin’ story and a damn good start to this new Titan run. This is one of those stories that people refer to as an ‘instant classic’. I don’t think it’s going to take too long before people are talking about ‘Bound in Black Stone’ the same way they talk about ‘Red Nails’, ‘The Tower of the Elephant’ and ‘The Phoenix on the Sword’.”

League of Comic Geeks: 9/10 “This issue had a good balance of action to world building and just makes me want to know more about where this will be headed.”

Negromancer: “Artist Roberto de la Torre has brought Zub’s script for this final chapter to comic book life in a veil of magic, smoke, and mysticism…if you love Conan comic books, you will hate yourself for denying yourself this new Conan the Barbarian.”

Pop Culture Maven: “Zub’s done a really nice job of capturing the spirit of Conan in comics and De La Torre’s artwork is just gorgeous. It’s really a good book.”

Pop Culture Philosophers: “It’s dark, it’s horrific, it’s filled with barbaric violence…These are people who care about this property, these are creators who understand what Conan represents and the fans of this world of Cimmeria, and they nail it every single time. I love the f**k out of that book!”

Sci-Fi Pulse: 9.5/10 “Roberto De la Torre produces some brilliant artwork for this issue…Jim Zub’s first story arc of Conan with Titan comics comes to a crushing conclusion with Conan and his men doing what must be done.”

Set the Tape: “With this first story, Zub, Torre, and all the other contributors have proven that a Conan title doesn’t just ‘work’, but can become a must-read title.”

Stars My Destination: 8/10 “Zub creates a narrative that connects with the way comics were created in the 60s and 70s, with abundant prose that adds a poetic touch to the story.”

Stygian Dogs: “The chance to see Roberto De La Torre draw an absolutely epic 4-issue arc of Conan the Barbarian, something that seems as if it was always meant to be yet was never guaranteed and now realized and informed by lineage, his work sets a new standard for the barbarian’s comic depiction…This new series has me excited for comics again.”

Tennessee Fats: “The key takeaway that really makes this story arc successful is the marriage of the art style and the writing. Both of them are well done in their own right, but it’s the fact that these two things together work so well that carry this.”

Thinking Critical: “Jim Zub, four issues in a row. He nailed it. Told a great complete story and the art in this is just beautiful, a truly great homage to the Bronze Age…If you’ve never read Conan before, this is a perfect jumping on point.”

Todd Luck: “It has a cameo in the last issue that is very well done, a major cameo and I really enjoyed it and look forward to seeing what they do with other Robert E. Howard properties.”

Conan the Barbarian #3 (2023) Reviews

Conan the Barbarian #3 arrived in comic shops last week and, like our previous two issues, almost immediately sold through at distribution and is headed to a second printing! Exciting stuff, but what do the critics think? Read on and find out- 8/10 “…this issue shows off the potential that a Conan story can possess. It digs into the mystical and terrifying elements of his world in ways that excite on every page.”

Comic Book University: “This is cold, this is brutal, and this is sick and I’m loving every second of these comics. You’re not going to go wrong by checking out this story.”

Comical Opinions: 9.5/10 “a classic Conan adventure from front to back that matches the style, tone, and grim adventure of Robert E. Howard’s original works. When we say this adventure feels like an authentic Conan adventure, we mean it.” 10/10 “Conan The Barbarian continues to be a hauntingly enchanted crown jewel in the current sword and sorcery landscape.”

European Lore: “100% recommend. If I thought that issues #1 and 2 were brilliant, this one is better!”

Graphic Policy: “A fun and entertaining take on Conan the Barbarian that old fans will love and new readers can dive right in. Great story and great art.”

Grimdark Magazine: “Writer Jim Zub has done something alchemical, pulling the essentials of Conan – that simmering berserker fury, that lethal physicality, that love of life and adventure and women – and poured them onto the page in one concentrated blast of pure action and adventure.”

Hither Came Conan: “With all that I’m reading, this Titan Comics run, three issues in, is the best of them all. It’s my favorite. I look forward to it every month.”

Hobbies of a Man: “It’s very, very good. I love the coloring here. I love the artwork here. Rob de la Torre and Jim Zub did a great job with this. I love the story so far and can’t wait to see what happens next.”

Horror Mike: “Jim Zub’s writing is spot-on, channeling that Robert E. Howard vibe, albeit with a modern slant, while the artwork of Rob De La Torre continues to impress. At times it’s like reading the one of the first issues of Creepy or Eerie magazine.”

Hyborian Reviews: “The hype was right and real and although we only are three issues in this is looking to be some of the best Conan in comics we’ve gotten since the glory days of old!”

Infinity Flux: “Zub and De Le Torre continue just knocking it out of the park as we continue this very classic-feeling Conan story…This is on my must read list.”

Is This Just Fantasy?: “I think this series is going great and I, for one, am going to keep picking it up.”

League of Comic Geeks: “The brilliance continues. #3 has far more action in it than #2, and it’s beautifully done. De La Torre and White match each other incredibly well to create the tone for this comic. It’s brutal, bloody and metal.”

Negromancer: “I’m trying to find the words to describe the storytelling of artist Roberto de la Torre. He brings Zub’s script to comic book life with fire, black magic, and mountain-leveling thunder.”

Pop Culture Maven: “I’m really digging this book. I’m not necessarily the biggest Conan fan, but I think Zub and De La Torre are just crafting a really entertaining book and that’s what I’m really enjoying about it. Good story, good art, it’s always a win.”

Pop Culture Philosophers: “I try to get into Conan books and I usually drop out of them pretty quickly, but this one has got me enthralled because it feels so old school and it makes me feel like a kid reaching into my Dad’s closet, reading me some gnarly, violent, sexy, and spooky Conan books…absolutely frickin’ loved it!”

Pullbox: 10/10 “This latest incarnation is in every good way channeling the old while forging new stories, and proves that the move from its former publisher over to Titan has been a gift worthy of the Hyborian gods.”

Rich Reviews: 8/10 “This comic delivers Conan just how you want him…Dark magic, savage fighting, a warrior of strong muscles and convictions, a beautiful companion and a cause to fight for.”

Sci-Fi Pulse: “The colorwork in this book is particularly good when Conan and his friends are in darker areas as it allows the artist and colorist to play with shadows and create a really chilling atmosphere”

Set The Tape: 8/10 “Issue three continues to impress, the story is paced exceptionally well…This remains a hugely enjoyable comic for newcomers to the world of Conan, as well as a worthy entry for long-time fans.”

Stygian Dogs: “This issue is yet another triumph from the creative team, truly each issue better than the last, building to inevitable climax. I can’t wait to see how the arc is resolved.”

Thinking Critical: “They have created a masterpiece here…Conan is building itself up to be one of the best on our best of the year list.”

Todd Luck: “Quintessential fantasy artwork and the same can be said of the story. It just feels like a good solid Robert E. Howard-style story.”

Void City Reviews: “This is just an incredible read…Highly recommended.”

Wakazashi’s Teahouse: 9/10 “It’s an absolute banger. It’s fantastic. This could be the best issue yet. I know it’s only issue 3, but I am loving this series.”

We Have Issues: “It’s been a great series so far. I really appreciate the new life that this is breathing into classic Conan. It’s a definite recommendation from me.”

Conan the Barbarian #5 Arrives in November

Writer: Jim Zub
Artist: Doug Braithwaite
Colorist: Diego Rodriguez
Publisher: Heroic Signatures and Titan Comics
FC, SC, 32pp, $3.99
On Sale: November 22,2023

After adventures on the high seas, CONAN returns to shore to find himself haunted by his memories of BELIT, captain of the Tigress and Queen of the Black Coast. Can a high-stakes heist draw out of his tortured past, or will it plunge him deeper into the chaos that has always been waiting for him?

COVER A: Roberto De La Torre
COVER B: Mike Deodato
COVER C: Pat Zircher
COVER D: Liam Sharp
COVER E: Rebecca Puebla

Conan the Barbarian #2 (2023) Reviews

The second issue of the relaunched Conan the Barbarian comic series from Heroic Signatures and Titan Comics arrived in comic shops last week. What did reviewers think of Bound In Black Stone Part 2? Read on and find out-

Big Comic Page: “Smartly showing the titular character to be so much more than just a big man wielding a hefty sword” “Jim Zub, Roberto De La Torre, Dean White, and Richard Starkings have a vision for Titan’s Conan the Barbarian series, and as long as they’re enacting it, I’ll be reading. If you’re a sword and sorcery fan, grab the first two issues of Titan’s Conan the Barbarian and thank me later.”

Comic Book Dispatch: 8.4/10 ” Conan’s mane, mien, and muscles convey a majesty that bespeaks his Marvel years. Brissa belongs at Conan’s side. The eyes of the undead glow, and their jaws drop open when they spot their quarry. Battles sing as steel sweeps through the air”

Comic Book Philosophers: “I frickin’ love this book. I’m not typically a sword and sorcery or Conan fan but two issues in, I’m engaged, I’m enthralled. Jim Zub knows exactly what he’s doing with this character and this world.”

Comic Book University: “This book is absurdly good…Great art, incredible story, fantastic plot, great character interactions, and a story that’s a page turner like a mo-fo.”

Comic Crusaders: 10/10 “This is an absolute recommendation as Conan the Barbarian fully delivers for comic book fans!”

Comical Opinions: 9.5/10 “Conan the Barbarian #2 delivers brooding, powerful drama, passion, and violence in equal measure to signal Conan’s return to form. The mystery surrounding the Lost Tribe continues to build intrigue, Conan’s character and the atmosphere surrounding him are spot-on, and the art is perfect.” 10/10 “I thought it would be a cold day in the pits of the damned before I was delighted by Conan’s work more than the Dark Horse books delighted me, but this team is conjuring up some powerful visuals that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the fan favorites of yesteryear.”

Cosmic Times: “I cannot say enough good things about the art and story in this new Conan comic!”

Cuantica Grafica (Spanish): “De la Torre visually develops his barbarian, who comes to life on each page he creates, transmitting everything that the Cimmerian means and providing a resounding and colossal sense of graphic narrative in these precious pages.”

European Lore: “I have enjoyed each and every single page of this comic book and the ending is exactly what we want from a Conan the Barbarian comic book…100% recommend!”

Evil’s Comics: “I am loving this book – the way it’s written, the way it’s drawn, the lettering, the coloring.”

Gary B the Casual Comic Guy: “This feels like the perfect mesh between Conan the Barbarian from the ’70’s and the Savage Sword of Conan…a perfect storm of a team on this book.”

Grimdark Magazine: “This consistency with the classic artwork is appreciated. While the characters and fight scenes take center stage, De La Torre’s art also does a quietly effective job showcasing the rugged wilderness of Cimmeria.”

Hither Came Conan: “The first one was great but this took it up to a new level. It just has me even more excited to see what happens next…This is everything that I’ve wanted in a Conan book.”

Is This Just Fantasy?: “Another great issue! No complaints as far as the art is concerned. It’s as exciting as it’s ever been. Jim Zub keeps it interesting and I want to keep reading.”

League of Comic Geeks: “it just feels so perfectly crafted on so many levels. All the elements work together beautifully to create the finished piece. Great pacing of the story, I didn’t feel bored for one minute, in spite of there being some potentially slow parts of the plot. “

Major Spoilers: 9/10 “OMG. This art is fantastic…I loved this book! I thought it was a lot of fun and I thought the story was interesting. I’m glad Titan Comics isn’t holding back.”

Negromancer: “Jim Zub has composed the best-written Conan comic book that I have read in probably a decade…At this rate, de la Torre will soon be in the pantheon of great Conan comic book artists and storytellers right next to Buscema, Barry Windsor-Smith, and Tómas Giorello, to name a few.”

Pop Culture Maven: “The biggest win for this issue is that it really feels like Conan, and that’s the key.”

Rich Review: 8/10 “Conan is one of the fiercest fighters you are ever likely to see.
This issue has it all – a warrior, a woman of beauty and skill, a threat that endangers anyone who comes near it.”

Rough Edges: “Jim Zub’s script is very good, striking a perfect balance between dialogue and captions…Rob de la Torre’s art continues to be fantastic. His storytelling and attention to detail are excellent.”

Scifi Pulse: “Roberto De la Torre continues to deliver stunning visuals for this second issue…A solid second issue that leaves you wanting more.”

Scoop: “another sterling read, one that reminds of how great not only Conan comics, but comics in general can be. The storytelling is several notches (or perhaps light years) beyond many comics on the market today.”

Set The Tape: 10/10 “issue #2 builds on and develops a very solid base into a comic that is a genuine page turner as you join our heroes trying to find out what’s happening now and what will happen next. As this series picks up speed, it really is almost thrilling waiting for the next instalment.”

Stygian Dogs: “Its sensuality, the gore, the intense blast of the supernatural and the promise of future mystery, this story is wonderful and thoroughly satisfying…There is so much of quality in this book.”

Superpowered Fancast: 9.4/10 “Zub crafts a brilliantly bloody and engaging adventure in this issue. The story is filled with suspense, thrills and world building that makes the plight of the characters more compelling. De La Torre offers some breathtaking and stunning art throughout the issue. The visuals are perfect for this character and deliver you into his world with style.”

Tennessee Fats: “Art-wise, fantastic. Writing-wise, this one really showcases some of the strengths within the artist and in the writer as an individual carrying the story forward to you.”

Thinking Critical: “If you love unfiltered Conan. If you love people fighting. If you love a human being at their bare essence…this issue packed one hell of a punch.”

Todd Luck: “It just really hits you in the face that this is what Conan should look like, and it’s really fantastic.”

Unscripted & Unchained: “From the storytelling, to the writing itself, the characterization of both Conan and Brissa, and the tone of it is very reminiscent of Savage Sword of Conan more so than the Conan comic series and it’s a real refreshing thing to see.”

Wakazashi’s Teahouse: 8.5/10 “It’s storytelling with an edge, a kick, a bit of sensuality and sexuality as well as this intriguing mystery. That’s what I want. “

We Have Issues: “I love this new creative direction…The art is perfectly suited for this kind of story.”

Conan the Barbarian #4 Arrives in October

Writer: Jim Zub
Artists: Roberto De La Torre, Dean White
Publishers: Heroic Signatures & Titan Comics
FC, 32pp, $3.99, October 25, 2023

Years after the battle of Venarium, a weary CONAN returns to his homeland to seek rest and solitude. However, a mysterious scout rides in to warn the Cimmerians of an imminent threat on the march from the Pictish wilderness. Will CONAN and his new ally be able to hold off this new horde of invaders?

COVER A: Roberto De La Torre
COVER B: Giada Marchisio
COVER C: Nick Percival
COVER D: Cary Nord

Conan the Barbarian #1 (2023) Reviews

Just over a year ago we announced that Conan the Barbarian would be returning to comics through Heroic Signatures and Titan Comics. Now, at last, our first issues arrives. What do the critics think?

AIPT: 8/10 “An all-star creative team and balls-to-the-wall execution make this take on Conan’s legend a winner. Longtime fans will be pleased with the start to this new era.”

Brown Bag: “The adventure’s atmosphere brilliantly captures all the character, chaos, and sword-slashing carnage of the Cimmerian’s printed chronicles in ‘Weird Tales’.” “When it comes to invoking that nostalgia, Conan the Barbarian #1 overwhelmingly succeeds. The art is rough around the edges in a way that feels purposeful – an effort to achieve a throwback style.”

Comic Book Dispatch: 9.5/10 “Like Roy Thomas, Grim Jim’s not afraid to thicken action with narrative or spice battles with dialogue. Anyone who suggests he hasn’t channeled the best traditions of Conan comics is a cowardly dog!” 10/10 “The art is primal and energetic in a way that takes you along for the adventure. The story is brilliantly balanced between narration and dialog making it feel like the classic Conan stories I love.”

Comic Crusaders: 10/10 “The old school stylings of the work of Zub, De La Torre, Villarrubia and Starkings go to prove how fantastic the comics of the past could be, by CROM!”

Comic Lounge: “I just think it’s phenomenal. It really does feel like this could fit in so seamlessly with the original Conan run…I’m so excited for this book.”

Comical Opinions: 9.5/10 “Jim Zub delivers a sword-slashing, brooding, action-packed debut worthy of Robert E. Howard fans, and Robert De La Torre’s art is a perfect homage to classic Conan comics.”

Comics Beat: “Enlisting Zub and de la Torre made sure the first issue kicked things off with a vision that nurtures the scale and epic proportions of Robert Howard’s unique style of worldbuilding. If each comic in the new series is as beautiful, raw, and exciting as this one, then readers are in for a read that might just earn its spot among the greats.”

D-Rock Steady: “It has everything you want – barbarians, boobs, bloodshed, and battles. Fantastic stuff and great artwork.”

Evil’s Comics: “This was a fantastic read. If you are any form of a Conan fan, I highly recommend this book.”

Fanboy Planet: “The narrative allows for quieter moments for world-building, which allows De La Torre to show off his terrific storytelling skills.”

Games, Comics and Crafts: “Definitely get this book. It feels like Conan, it reads like Conan, it’s well written, the artwork’s really nice and I’m definitely looking forward to reading more…Buy it! You will not regret it.”

Gary B the Casual Comic Guy: “This book really feels like they took the time and effort to pay proper homage to what came before while also creating something that’s their own. They didn’t ignore the past of Conan, they embraced it, they honored it…I can’t give it enough accolades…I felt like I was reading the Conan comics of my youth.”

Geek Culture: 10/10 “…the perfect start for Titan Comics, and the creative team. For Zub and co. the character is their bread and butter, and it’s great seeing them all come together to craft this wonderful opening in perfect synergy.”

Get Your Comic On: 10/10 “Hard hitting, intense story that will have you gripped to each page. Brutal and dramatic artwork hits the mark, if this issue is anything to go by we are in for a treat for the rest of this series.”

Graphic Policy: 8.9/10 “I had high expectations going into Conan the Barbarian #1. Somehow it met all of them and then some. This is a hell of a debut and new chapter for the classic character that will hopefully launch adventures of this quality for many years to come.”

GrimDark Magazine: “Titan’s Conan the Barbarian #1 starts off with a bang, very clearly setting expectations for the series to come. We’re introduced to Conan, given a quick demonstration of the rough honor code this barbarian lives by, and then see him pitted against a rapidly escalating otherworldly menace.”

Harbinger of D.O.O.M.: “From the first to last panel, it was an exhilarating experience to read this comic book. Robert E. Howard would be proud to know that the legacy of his beloved barbarian is in good hands.”

Hero Press: 9.2/10 “…it more than delivers on the promise of the lauded Free Comic Book Day prequel….if this debut issue is a sign of things to come then it feels like we’ll be getting the ‘real deal’ from the Titan era.”

Heroes For Sale: “They’ve embraced the history of Conan and the fandom of Conan, but done it in their own way…a fantastic job.”

Hither Came Conan: “I could just stare at this art for hours and hours…I’m really happy with this first issue…It not only met my expectations, it leapt right over them.”

Hobbies of a Man: “I love the artwork a lot, I enjoyed the story, it had really great pacing, and it was just enjoyable overall.”

Horror Mike: “It is fantastic! What a great set-up. I am absolutely looking forward to the next three issues…Highly recommended…I think this series is going to be monumental.”

Horror Tree: 10/10 “…the Conan I read about in this Titan Comics issue still holds appeal to me even as an adult. He’s a nonconformist, a loner, and an intentional outsider. Yes, a rogue, in a way. He’s a restless traveler in a culture that preferred staying in one place, according to a scene in the first few pages.”

How To Love Comics: “…a visually impressive comic that looks great and has strong storytelling. Overall, Titan’s new era for Conan is off to an excellent start.”

Hylandian: “The Iron Age is upon us and Conan is leading the charge!”

Infinity Flux: “My favorite book of the week…I can’t recommend this one enough.”

Is This Just Fantasy?: “All around I feel like this is a great start…I think Rob De La Torre is a new modern master when it comes to fantasy comics.”

J-Man: 10/10 “Must own…I cannot wait to get the next one.”

League of Comic Geeks: 10/10 “BLOWN AWAY! Conan is back and in such an awesome way. This book is savage, bloody and sexy, the way a Conan story should be.”

Multiversity: 8/10 “The new run on “Conan the Barbarian” is, without question, a love letter to the franchise. This is a creative team that clearly loves the character and the many adventures he’s been through, and are putting that passion to work in creating a comic that captures and pays tribute to the classic style in every detail, whether through narration and dialogue, art and color styles, or even Richard Starkings’ font designs for the lettering.”

Negromancer: “De la Torre makes me feel the blood, violence, and the heat of bone-breaking, and he creates a sense of foreboding and then, terror when the horde strikes.”

Next Issue Podcast: “I think Jim Zub is a really fun writer, especially when it comes to barbarian fantasy and I think the art team really nails the aesthetic that one expects from a Conan book.”

Pfangirl: “De la Torre delivers page after page of big hits, and even bigger battles…”

Planes, Trains and Comic Books: 10/10 “This comic was fantastic!…It feels very classic but, at the same time, new.”

Pop Culture Philosophers: “They’re giving us a no hold’s barred classic old school Conan book. I thought it was really solid.”

Pros and Cons: “The art is gorgeous…This is a really cool take on Conan…I highly recommend this.”

Pullbox: 10/10 “I’m looking forward to seeing if these new stories can maintain the ferocity promised in this first issue”

Rich Review: 8/10 “This is Conan as he was meant to be. Yes he is rough and tough, a barbarian to be sure yet he is a gentleman and has a big heart he helps others. Yet you will have no problem knowing this man is not to be trifled with.”

Sci-Fi 4 Me: “…a steady paced story with a good mix of action sets and quieter character moments to give the action room to breathe. Overall, a great first entry into a new series, and I can definitely recommend you pick this one up.”

Sci-Fi Jubilee: “Conan the Barbarian #1 has everything Conan fans could’ve hoped for and plenty for newcomers to enjoy as well. Jim Zub, Rob De La Torre, and José Villarrubia are an exceptional creative team and this new series is a fantastic sword and sorcery epic set in the classic Conan style of yesteryear.”

Scifiward: “Conan the Barbarian #1 absolutely shines. Roberto De La Torre is a great artist and the action really comes alive.”

Set The Tape: 8/10 “All in all, this is a thoroughly enjoyable read, one that old fans will welcome whilst being accessible to anyone new to the character. If you’re in the mood for some old-fashioned, low fantasy swordplay be sure to grab this title.”

Stars My Destination (Spanish): 8.5/10 “It’s a 22-page story with lots of of action that takes time to read and absorb, but the text never feels like it gets in the way of the artwork by De La Torre and Villarrubia. On top of that, the cliffhanger ending makes getting the second issue a must. You couldn’t ask for a better first issue.”

Stygian Dogs: “It is gory, it’s fantastic…This is a dream team working on a dream project.”

Super Hero Hype: 10/10 “Those who have never read a Conan comic could not ask for a better introduction to the first son of sword-and-sorcery than Conan the Barbarian #1, and those who are already fans of Conan will find this first chapter to be everything they could have hoped for.”

Super Powered Fancast: 9/10 “…a fantastic return of the Cimmerian warrior. The story has a classic feel that immediately immerses you into the world of the character and there is a great sense of rising tension throughout the issue.”

Tennessee Fats: “As a Conan-o-phile, I really enjoyed this…It held my attention all the way through because it was just like reading a Savage Sword of Conan story for the very first time.”

Terrier Comics: “This looks like a Conan comic. This feels like a Conan comic…This is very much the way Conan should be. Channeling the spirit of Robert E. Howard. A fantastic first issue that makes you want to read more.”

32 Flavors Of Nickweiser: 8.2/10 “It’s a book that you need to go out and read. Definitely go check this out. Buy this book.”

Thinking Critical: “I think it absolutely delivers in every way conceivable when it comes to this comic book. It feels like Conan. It feels like a barbarian comic with absolutely awesome fantasy action.”

Todd Luck: “This really does feel like a premium comic that you’re paying regular price for…This is a good, worthy successor and a good jumping on point.”

Void City Reviews: “This is fantastic!…It feels like a novel reading it, but the writing is there to enhance the art…It’s so well done and so well crafted.”

Wakizashi’s Reviews: 8.5/10 “It reminded me of reading comics when I was younger, those moments when the outside world fades away and you are deep in the world of the story.”

Weird Science Comics: 8.5/10 “This is for the Conan crowd through and through…It does a good job of getting things going…I had a smile on my face by the end with how classic it was.”

Conan the Barbarian #3 Arrives in September

Writer: Jim Zub
Artists: Roberto De La Torre, Dean White
Publishers: Heroic Signatures & Titan Comics
FC, 32pp, $3.99, September 20, 2023

Years after the battle of Venarium, a weary CONAN returns to his homeland to seek rest and solitude. However, a mysterious scout rides in to warn the Cimmerians of an imminent threat on the march from the Pictish wilderness. Will CONAN and his new ally be able to hold off this new horde of invaders?

COVER A: Doug Braithwaite
COVER B: Patch Zircher
COVER C: Max Von Fafner
COVER D: Roberto De La Torre

Zubby Newsletter #20: A Sunstruck Conanza

Well…that was one hell of a week.

We launched CONAN THE BARBARIAN #1 at San Diego Comic-Con ahead of our in-store release date (which shifted from July 26th to August 2nd due to a shipping delay out of our control) and the response has been absolutely electric.

• Advance reviews are strongDamn strong.

• It’s the best selling Titan Comic ever and one of the strongest sellers in comics of the past few years, especially for a Mature Readers non-Marvel/DC book.

• The first printing has blown out at the distributor level before release even with a large overprint, necessitating a second print before copies even hit the shelves of your favorite local retailer.

Readers and retailers are buzzing right now and it feels really, really good. The hard work we’ve put into this is coming through on the final printed page and all of us on the team are damn proud.

Sales do not equate quality, but I felt like we put forth a strong mission statement with our Free Comic Book Day issue #0. We hoped that both new and lapsed fans would show their support…and they have in a huge way. Thank you!

I’m Not Even Supposed to Be Here

On Sunday morning at SDCC we had a Conan the Barbarian panel and it was packed, which is extra-wild given that it was on the last day of the big show and, by every right, people should have been exhausted. I mentioned something there I want to echo here as far and wide as possible-

This kind of thing doesn’t happen. People don’t get second chances on titles like this, especially if your first attempt wasn’t considered a big commercial success.

Taking over the flagship Conan series in early 2020 was an absolute dream come true, but none of us could have possibly known how things would actually roll out with the world at large. We released part 1 of a 4 part story (called Into the Crucible) in February 2020 and almost immediately received a ‘pencils down’ pandemic order that meant part 2 didn’t arrive in stores until 7 months later. After we came back, momentum was understandably spent and we were fighting to stay alive until things wrapped up on that incarnation of the series in September 2021.

Given everything I know about publishing and promotion, it would have made complete sense for Heroic Signatures to hire a brand new writer for their big relaunch at Titan. The unwavering faith that Fred Malmberg and the rest of the Heroic team has shown in my vision for Conan and my desire for long term myth-making in the Hyborean Age, honestly, it blows my mind.

Conan the Barbarian is the Superman of sword & sorcery. He’s the icon that built an entire genre with a 90+ year legacy of excitement and adventure. He brings out the best from creators because he deserves the best. I was honored to be part of this legend before, and am even more honored now.

Issue #1 sales and great reviews matter, of course. Launching with as much visibility and momentum as possible gives us a clear mandate and opens up all kinds of other opportunities – BUT – a big flashy opening is not as important as a strong ongoing readership. Speculators stashing away variant covers is part of the comic business and I’ve made my peace with that, but my goal is that people read and love this series because it’s damn good and high quality, month after month. I want issues #12, 13, 14 and beyond to be just as good and even more exciting. Is that possible? I don’t know, but I’m going to work like hell and find out.

Savage Sword is Back – in Bold Black & White!

Also announced during our Conan panel at SDCC – Savage Sword of Conan returns in 2024 to celebrate its 50th anniversary. It’s back in its original oversized black & white format along with a murderer’s row of talented creators, classic and new, ready to contribute unfettered fantasy fury on the page.

Confirmed creators include John Arcudi, Frank Tieri, Patch Zircher, Howard Chaykin, Rafael Kayanan, Cary Nord, Rebeca Puebla, Dan Panosian, Richard Pace, Gerardo Zaffino, and me!

Richard Pace is illustrating a brutally tragic tale I’ve had rolling around in the back of my mind for years and, even at this early stage, it’s looking stellar.

Conan editor Matt Murray has spearheaded Savage Sword’s return (while keeping the flagship monthly Conan book charging forward) and none of this would have happened without his bottomless energy and tireless toil.

If you never read the original Savage Sword of Conan magazine (reprinted in wonderful omnibus editions that are going back to print this Fall), just know that it was the series that hooked a ton of fans with visceral artwork and bombastic storytelling.

That’s a Whole Lotta Conan, Jim…

I know! It’s the launch so everything’s pretty nutso.

• I spoke to Tim Cundle at Mass Movement all about sword & sorcery storytelling. It was a really fun interview that covers a lot of my thoughts around working on big commercial characters and continuity.

• I spoke to Will Salmon at Newsarama about what makes the new Conan series click and mysteries of Robert E. Howard’s mythic Black Stone.

• I spoke to Jed Keith at Freaksugar about the unexpected winding path that led to this new Conan series.

• Matt Murray and I spoke to Collier Jennings at AIPT all about our big plans for the relaunch.

♫ ~ Slow Down, You Move Too Fast ~ ♫

Despite the fervor of this whirlwind Conanza, I made a real point this year at the big show to slow down at key points and have better conversations.

If you’ve never been to San Diego Comic-Con, it may not make sense but, seriously, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos of 150,000+ people going pop culture crazy and forget to enjoy who is there and why you like this stuff in the first place. You see people you know and care about, but your schedule is packed so you just wave or high-five as you move past and, by the time the show’s over, you realize you didn’t get a chance to really connect with anyone.

So, this year, I promised myself I’d do it differently. Conversations were more focused and meaningful. Compliments were free-flowing. Smiles were easy to find. Photos were frequent.

Reconnecting, celebrating, waxing nostalgic.

Look at us. Still here. Still making stuff and having fun.

So great to see you. Things are busy but it’s okay, take a deep breath, we’ve got this.

We’re veterans of these Comic-Conquests.

There was a lot to celebrate this year, but I also hope a bit of the zen I summoned here carries over to future shows as well…especially with the unstoppable swirl that is Gen Con coming up next week!
