My Wii Was Gone But Now It’s Back – Party

My Wii Was Gone But Now It’s Back – I bet you didn’t even notice it was gone.

The Nintendo was having weird video card glitchy problems including rainbow-like static patterns appearing (and getting worse bit-by-bit) in dark areas of games. I called Nintendo Canada’s reps a few weeks ago and they sent me Purolator labels and what-not so I could send it to BC for warranty-covered repair/replacement. That was on January 22nd. I figured I wouldn’t see the console back for at least 4 weeks minimum.

This morning Puralator delivered the now-perfect Wii to my door. 14 days total including the shipping – I’m really impressed with their customer service.

Now I can really dig in to Warioware.

Who’s up for a Wii party this weekend? A show of hands?

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