Fireworks bursting outside. I can see them exploding out the living room window while I digitally paint until my eyes bleed. It made me smile.
The work that piled up over the weekend is now kicking my ass from here to Wednesday. Just today, I painted 4 NPC headshots and a full body pic of a Derro evil dwarf for Dungeon Magazine. They turned out really decent actually, which is odd considering the mad ass crunch of time involved. Still, I started working at around 11am today and am wrapping up now at 1am with only 2 meals in there as breaks. Crazy, crazy stuff… apparently the pressure is forcing my brain into good art mode. They may be turning out nice, but I’ll be thankful when it’s all handed in.
I’m finally getting a better handle on digitally painting. I felt quite confident with it for a change.
Gotta sleep. My head hurts and my throat feels a bit raw. Anime North went surprisingly well. I’ll have photos and a full rundown probably on my next post.
Tomorrow (well, today technically) is Gal’s birthday. Unbelievable. Now we’re BOTH old