Blog-style confessional coming up.
Dear Stacy, love of my life: I was wrong about Twitter.
When Stacy first showed me Twitter and the internet-o-blogosphere jumped on board this little update technology I was firmly in the “What good is this crap?” category. All I could see of it was people spamming the world at large with prattling thoughts, blurry photos of food and the consistency of their bowel movements. I couldn’t imagine the trend sticking around. I definitely couldn’t see myself using it in the slightest. I mocked the very idea of it as some textspeak-laden ADD cult.
When Skullkickers was set to launch in September the Image Comics folks suggested that I join Twitter to help inform and excite potential readers. Given the amount of work I’d put into the book, I was willing to do just about anything to help its chances, so on Twitter I went.
Since then, I must admit, it’s been a great way to connect with the comic community – readers, retailers, professionals and fans. At the same time it’s also given a real sense of immediacy to communication with people I’ve wanted to get to know better.
Every Tuesday (the day before New Comic Day) there’s an extensive discussion on #comicmarket about the state of the industry: what’s selling and why, marketing suggestions, outreach, opinions and rants. It’s a vibrant mix of thoughts from retailers, pros and publishers that’s been fascinating to read and invigorating to take part in. I’ve been able to reach a whole new segment of retailers and have set up signing events thanks to its influence. The same goes for reviewers and interviews. Skullkickers would not have been covered by USA Today and a host of other sites without the help of Twitter. It’s been an invaluable way to communicate with people about the hard work we’ve put into the book and a way for them to react to the work as they read it.
In a social way, it’s kept me connected to friends and worked well to set up quick meet-ups without having to dig through Facebook’s increasingly bloated/obtuse interface. No game invites, minimal spam and a singular purpose – communication in the moment.
Twitter’s also been a valuable tool for plugging into a broader world. Little tweeted concepts turn into full blown discussions; Issues and thoughts about the world move through a sea of people as they experience it in real time. I’ve learned more about news, politics and the people around me through Twitter than any other blog platform/social network/instant messaging/you name it.
Although Stacy’s occasionally jabbed me a bit about my adoption of Twitter, she’s been excessively classy considering the venom I gave it early on. She’s a lady of class and poise, so her surreptitiously raised eyebrow or knowing smirk is just as valid a judgment.
I was wrong, my love. I admit it. You can stop smiling at me about it now.