• Comic Book Corner 2.0: “Holy ****, this was such a great book, the art was great, and I definitely recommend it. This one got an A+! It’s a top pick from me.”
• Comical Opinions: 8.3/10 “…a taut, grim exercise in survival when Conan ventures into the jungles of the Black Kingdoms, leading to the introduction of a longtime Conan ally. Jim Zub’s tale of woe gives readers a lesson on why Conan is the toughest barbarian around, and Doug Braithwaite’s art is glorious.”
• Cool Thunder: 9.8/10 “Doug Braithwaite’s artwork is nothing short of breathtaking…This issue is a must-read, delivering top-tier storytelling and stunning visuals. We give it our highest recommendation.”
• Crushing Krisis: “Truly, truly gorgeous art from Doug Braithwaite with colors by Diego Rodriguez. It made me gasp on every page. It’s a really beautiful story.”
• Deceptisean77: “This is a great, exciting, action-packed comic…It’s all about the fan love for Conan and trying to mimic that sword & sorcery gritty action from the old comics and old stories.”
• The Dragon’s Cache: 9.4/10 “Diego Rodriguez lavishes a loaded palette on Doug Braithwaite’s moody and atmospheric art. Yellow eyes watch as Conan tumbles into the murky swamp. Scarlet fills the air when danger threatens. Blue smudges and streaks fill the background when the wind tosses Conan’s dark mane. Amid the verdant greenery, Conan knees to study marks in the brown sand.”
• Eternal Crusader: 9/10 “Braithwaite’s panels are exquisite miniatures that do not skimp on elaborately detailed backgrounds. There is an evident passion in every panel, inviting readers to explore and immerse themselves in the setting. When Braithwaite is not filling pages with dynamic and brutal fight scenes, one can almost smell the putrid mire and damp underbrush of the thick forest…I would place it within my top five issues so far.”
• Evan the Architect: “Doug Braithwaite’s artwork is always breathtaking. He does a great job with the action…I can’t wait to see what comes next.”
• GoodReads: 8/10 “excellent art from Doug Braithwaite and pulse-pounding action and suspense…I’m thrilled to be on this ride and to see where else these stories can take us.”
• Kabooooom!: 5/5 “Conan the Barbarian #19 is a rare thing indeed…This is a great book and a worthy continuation of the Conan legacy.”
• League of Comic Geeks: 10/10 “The art is jaw dropping! Seriously, I don’t know if I’ve ever read a book with better art. Braithwaithe’s pencils and layouts combined with Rodriguez’s colors have been great on this book, but this particular issue seems to be built to showcase it.”
• Nerd Initiative: 9/10 “This run of Conan has been absolutely fantastic. I have not been disappointed in a single issue since its come out and this just keeps that train a-rollin’…Fantastic art, really cool story.”
• Pop Culture Philosophers: “This book is anchored in the history of Conan while doing something that feels fresh and new with the character, yet at the same time classic and legacy driven. It feels classic and refined, yet modern and fresh. It’s so awesome.”
• Professor Frenzy: “I really like the traditional Conan vibe of this book…Thoroughly enjoying the series and love where it’s going.”
• SciFi Pulse: 9.6/10 “The artwork is fantastic, with both the artist and colorist fully immersing you in the jungle, making it feel like a character in its own right. Overall, it’s a strong start, with a fantastic final page that sets the stage for what’s to come”
• Stygian Dogs: “Jim Zub’s engrossing tale of survival in the days after the Queen of the Black Coast’s death pits man against nature…Doug Braithwaite is afforded generous room for his extraordinary visual storytelling. Rich in detail and vividly colored by Diego Rodriguez, the issue is an immersive experience that is not to be missed.”
• Sword & Sorcery Book Club: “Overall, this was a great issue. I had a great time with it. I love the work that’s being put in. I really appreciate Jim’s narration he put into this one.”
• Thinking Critical: “A very intense, very physical issue of a comic…This has been one of the best series of the past two years now.”
• Two Guys and a Stack of Comics: “Book of the Week!…A really simplistic plot, but it had more action and depth to it than the build up of most events in the Big Two…This team is just firing on all cylinders!”