Conan the Barbarian #18 Reviews

After our first skip month since the new series launch, we’re back with Conan the Barbarian #18!
What did the critics think of the second half of our ‘Fangs and Foolish Thieves’ 2-part story?

9 Panel Grid: “This issue was awesome…It still delivers on the classic Conan tales and the feel you want for this book.”

Amazon: 10/10 “The characters, dialogue, narration are all exactly as they should be, and I still find myself pleasantly surprised every time that it feels right. I should have learned by now.”

Comical Opinions: 7.8/10 “…brings the two-parter to a close with bloody fights, magic, monsters, and more. Jim Zub nails the chemistry between Conan and Bêlit, demonstrating exactly why she is Conan’s greatest love”

Cool Thunder: 8.5/10 “Conan and Bêlit’s adventures continues to be a fun and engaging ride, capturing the essence of their fiery romance and relentless battles.”

Crushing Krisis: “I think Jim Zub is writing Conan for the ages…The captions and the prose is so strong.”

Cupcake Comic Reviews: “If there’s a book that can make me buy it for issue 18 or issue 20, that means it’s really good…Conan is what Conan does and that is brutal savagery.”

DC Patrol: “I urge you to go out and read Conan the Barbarian by Jim Zub and company because these are always entertaining, always fun. You get your money’s worth and that’s important, especially these days.”

Dragon’s Cache: 9.8/10 “If the life of a thief precludes loyalty, the antique business proves equally devoid of morality. When Conan and Bêlit embark on a mission without knowing their accomplice, they get more than they bargained for”

Eternal Crusader: “…whether it’s the vibrant bazaars of Kyros, nocturnal estates, secret libraries, or bustling harbor facilities, Brine fills each panel with an abundance of detail, exoticism, and ornamental elements that bring the setting vividly to life for readers.”

Evan the Architect: “Another solid issue…Conan’s a great book and I recommend everybody check it out.”

GrimDark Magazine: “Conan the Barbarian #18 caps off a whirlwind caper. The shorter storyline and fresh artwork show that Jim Zub is still willing to experiment with the Titan Comics series, even as the title sprints towards its second anniversary.”

League of Comic Geeks: 8/10 “A great story of treachery, double-crossing, and a harrowing escape. Whenever the Cult of Set is involved, you know Conan is going to see some action this did not fail to deliver.”

Mark On Comics: “Jim Zub has just been killing it the entire series. We’re a year and a half in and everything is just going great!”

Mighty Thorngren: “Plnety of action in this issue that made me happy and I had fun reading it. This is a fun story and I like how it ended too.”

Nerd Initiative: 9/10 “Amazing stuff!…It feels exactly like the Conan books I was buying off the spinner rack as a young kid. What more needs to be said!”

Old Nerd Reviews WY: “A really good issue with lots of action…Ever since Titan has gotten the Conan property it has been non-stop banger after banger.”

Pop Culture Philosophers: “I loved it. It’s another solid issue of a side story that’s setting up stuff for the future of this run.”

Sci-Fi Pulse: 9.6/10 “It’s great to finally learn more about Bêlit and her relationship with Conan…This issue, and to some extent the one before it, gives us a better understanding of why Conan would be drawn to her. Bêlit is every bit as cunning and dangerous as he is, and she wastes no time settling her scores.”

Stygian Dogs: “Brine’s detailed backgrounds once again stand out and I found her character work more cohesive this time…Jim Zub bookends his Issue #18 with something pretty exciting, transforming what might be a pretty straight-forward ‘heist gone wrong story’ into the raison d’etre for the two-issue arc.”

Sword & Sorcery Book Club: “Overall, this issue was great. I really had a lot of fun with it. I enjoyed the action-packed storytelling. I like the artwork and I like the coloring.”

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