Champions #20 Reviews

Our second issue of Champions arrived in stores last week. What did reviewers think? Let’s find out…

Black Nerd Problems: 8.5/10 “Their adventures are often reflective of the complex nature of most real world situations. I like that there is never a simple answer to the things that they encounter.”

Caped-Joel: 7/10 “Overall this continues to be a fun little story.”

Comic 8/10 “The teenage Champions, who are gelling together better than ever, are put in a difficult place when facing the decision of whether or not to trust the all-knowing adult in front of them. It’s a wonderful allegory of teens today, struggling to figure out who and what they can believe or trust.”

Comic Book University: Grade=A “This is a superstar team writing and drawing a wonderful and compelling comic book.”

Comic-Watch: 8/10 “Champions is still consistently good and I have high hopes for this beginning arc…With Jim Zub at the helm, this book is in good hands.”

Major Spoilers: 8/10 “Champions #20 takes that compelling group of weirdos and stand-ins and makes them something entirely unique, giving them a villain they can’t just punch and playing with the team’s ‘Save The World For Tomorrow’ themes, all the while showing off excellent art and character interactions”

Multiversity: “What it lacks in risks, this issue makes up for in the things you hope to get from a Marvel book every month: fun team dynamics, a breezy, intriguing plot, and a conflict taken from right outside your window.”

Newsarama: 8/10 “Sean Izaakse and Marcio Menyz do a stellar job capturing the winter beauty of northern Canada; the winter wardrobe additions for the Champions are also fantastic touches, including Spider-Man’s very cute Spidey beanie.”

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