Category Archives: Stone Star

Conskipper Interview

I spoke to the gang at Conskipper all about Stone Star and Conan the Barbarian. Check it out!

True North Country Podcast: Stone Star

Max Dunbar and I chatted with True North Country all about Stone Star Vol. 1: Fight or Flight, in stores this week from Dark Horse Comics! Give it a listen-

Talking Stone Star With Citywide Blackout

Max and I chatted with the Citywide Blackout podcast all about STONE STAR Season 2 – How we work together to develop the series, the fun of creating our own universe, and teasing big story developments coming up in future issues. Give it a listen!

Stone Star Season 2 #1 Reviews

Drop The Spotlight: “Exactly the kind of thing I look for in a comic book, a great story, well-written characters and dialogue, artwork that’s beautifully colored, I thoroughly enjoyed everything about this!”

Fanboy Factor: “Max Dunbar is outdoing his previous top-notch environment and action work in this new season, bringing in a whole new A-Game of visual interpretation. Together with Espen Grundetjern on colours and Marshall Dillon on lettering, this team is offering a fun, funky take on mechs, men, women, and beasts.”

Reading With a Flightring: “This is so charming and so well told that you can get lost in this world and left wishing you could explore the city itself.”

Stone Star Pin at SDCC 2019!

ComiXology has just revealed that as part of their exclusive content at San Diego Comic-Con 2019, they’ll have enamel pins based on various comiXology Originals series, including a pin of Durn, our effigy warrior-bot from Stone Star!

Can’t wait to get a few of these for myself. Such a cool little promotion.

Stone Star Interview on Hollywood Soapbox

Max and I spoke to Jon Soltes at Hollywood Soapbox all about developing Stone Star, our new creator-owned space-fantasy series. There’s lots of good info about how the series came about.

Comics Beat Interview: Marvel and More

I spoke at length with Matt O’Keefe at the Comics Beat all about launching Stone Star and my current Marvel projects. Lots of great info and insight here to read. Check it out.

Citywide Blackout Interview

I spoke to the gang at Citywide Blackout all about Stone Star, the new creator-owned space-fantasy series I’m working on with Max Dunbar. Give it a listen!

Stone Star #2 Reviews

Comic Book University: “This is an awesome book.”

Comic Watch: 8.6/10 “The dynamic artwork and superb world-building make Stone Star an incredibly fun read for anybody looking for a new series in the genre.”

Fanboy Factor: “I like Max Dunbar’s line art. It’s imaginative and descriptive without being overwrought with detail. Espen Grundetjern contributes heavy tonal colouring in the early pages of the issue but opens up the palate nicely with the breathtaking atmosphere of Quell-World.”

Modern Gafa: “The artwork beautifully brings us into a world that’s original and full of colorful aliens and the writing makes sure we want to stick around too.”

Nerdenthum: “The world is getting bigger and the prologue in this issue helps us to understand it much better. It’s an action packed and interesting world that is well illustrated.”

Stone Star Interview on

Max Dunbar and I spoke to Hannah Means Shannon at all about Stone Star, our new creator-owned series on ComiXology. Check it out.