Here’s the book’s introduction giving you an overview of what you’ll find inside:
Monster profiles for the Beholder, Black Dragon, and Demogorgon.
As you can see, there aren’t any creature stats or game rules, just lore and information presented in an easy to understand way for people coming into D&D for the first time.
Here’s an example of a creature encounter, where we have a short fiction piece with a decision for our young readers to think about, similar to the kind of decision-making they might make at the gaming table:
The first two D&D Young Adventurer’s Guides arrive in stores on July 16th.
I’ll answer some of the most common questions I received about them here in this post…
Q: Are these Basic RPG rule books for young readers?
A: No. These books do not replace the D&D Player’s Handbook. They’re rules-free illustrated guides to the core concepts of D&D, built so the reader can discover the lore without being overwhelmed by the rules.
As experienced DMs/players, it’s easy to forget how intimidating tabletop RPGs can be for people who haven’t played before. These guides lay out the major concepts (class, race, equipment, creatures) in a way anyone can understand and encourages them to create their own stories. Readers can use the material in these books to brainstorm a character and imagine their role in an adventuring party. It’s a way to get new players excited about the possibilities, and then bring them to the gaming table to show them how those initial ideas can really flourish with a roll of the dice.
Q: Do these books just re-purpose content from the Player’s Handbook?
A: No. The writing and artwork are all new and they’re organized so readers can either absorb it from start to finish or skip around and focus on the material they think looks most interesting.
For example, the Monsters & Creatures book isn’t organized alphabetically. It starts thematically with underground creatures, moves to the surface (bodies of water, fields, graveyards, forests, mountains) and then soars into the sky to finish with airborne monsters.
Q: New artwork? How much new art are we talking about?
A: Almost every single illustration in the Young Adventurer’s Guides was made specifically for this series, so even if you have the D&D core rules you’ll get 60+ images per book you can use for inspiration or visual reference.
Q: I already own the D&D core books. Should I get these?
A: If you’re already an avid D&D player, they’re not necessary. There’s no new info here you don’t already have, but you might enjoy the new creature art and weapons/armor illustrations to help visualize aspects of D&D lore.
In addition, there are new “legendary” characters developed specifically for this series you might enjoy adding to your game.
Q: What’s the intended age for the Young Adventurer’s Guides?
A: They’re for middle-grade readers (ages 8-12) by design (book trim size, font size, etc.). Older readers can certainly get something out of them, but the core of it was built to inspire young players.
A: Absolutely! Minsc is our legendary Ranger example in the Warriors & Weapons guide and his particular brand of chaotic courage is a fun way to show new players the possibilities in D&D.
I spoke to Id the DM at length about the development and purpose of the D&D Young Adventurer’s Guides: Id the DM interview.
And here’s another video, this time from D&D Beyond, as Stacy and I both talk about the guides:
Q: How have the Guides been received so far?
A: The response to Monsters & Creatures and Warriors & Weapons has been quite incredible so far. CHECK HERE for a rundown of review articles and videos.
Q: Where can I buy these books?
A: The Young Adventurer’s Guides should be available from your favorite local bookshops or gaming stores, or you can check the online outlets listed on the official Penguin Random House page for the series.
Q: Are there any foreign/translated editions planned?
When I was at the Wizards of the Coast office in late 2017 consulting on a new Dungeons & Dragons adventure (a wonderful book that will be announced later this year), we talked a lot about 8-year old Zub and the elements of D&D and role-playing that ignited my imagination at that crucial age. That discussion would come up again a few months later when they introduced me to Aaron Wehner, an editor from Ten Speed Press (an imprint at Random House), and plans started to slowly develop around the kind of book that could engage new players without overwhelming them with game terminologies or rules.
That “D&D Guide” concept struck a chord with all of us who helped brainstorm material on it. We wanted to focus the key elements of what D&D is and show young readers (or new players of any age) the amazing ingredients they could use to create their own characters and heroic stories.
It’s just over a year later and I’m thrilled to announce the first two D&D Young Adventurer’s Guides, MONSTERS & CREATURES and WARRIORS & WEAPONS, arriving from Ten Speed Press! They’re available for pre-order now and will be in bookstores everywhere starting July 16th, 2019!
I’m the architect of the D&D Young Adventurer’s Guides, building the overall structure, writing core sections, and helping art direct the hundreds of brand-new D&D illustrations inside these potent little hardcovers. Working with me to make this series a reality is Stacy King(Manga Classics) and Andrew Wheeler(Freelance, Another Castle), both of whom have been burning the midnight oil researching, writing, and editing the text and art descriptions to make sure each volume is as exciting and engaging as possible. The teams at Ten Speed and Wizards of the Coast have been incredibly supportive, giving us fantastic feedback and advice along the way, and I can’t wait for you to see all this hard work we’ve brought to the page!
Expect a lot more details and art teasers as we get closer to launch. Until then, help us spread the word and earmark these books as gifts for friends or family members you’ve been thinking about bringing into the hobby!
In this illustrated guide, you’re transported to the legendary and magical worlds of Dungeons & Dragons and presented with one-of-a-kind entries for some of its most sinister, foul, and memorable monsters. Featuring amazing illustrations and expert insights on some of D&D’s most dangerous monsters, the guide shines a spotlight on the beasts that scare, excite, and cause trouble for adventurers, from creatures that live underground, to those that dwell in the wilderness and boneyards or soar in the sky.
In this illustrated guide, you’re transported to the legendary and magical worlds of Dungeons & Dragons, where you are presented with one-of-a-kind entries for different types of warriors, as well as the weaponry these fighters need for D&D adventuring. This guide includes detailed illustrations of the weapons, armor, clothing, and other equipment that fighters use, and offers the tools young, aspiring adventurers need for learning how to build their own characters.