• But Why Tho: 10/10 “Houser and Zub humanize two of our main fictional characters while Galindo brings out raw emotions through an amazing display of facial expressions.”
• Comic Book.com: 8/10 “Honestly, this comic focuses on another great aspect of D&D—how people use it to grapple with complex emotions like grief or rage. It’s a surprisingly deep comic, one that clearly comes from a place of love for D&D.”
• Comic Crusaders: 9/10 “The ability of this fellowship to bring Will back into the world of the living, to be able to experience joy, imagination and friendship once more is a key part of the story that we never saw play out on the screen. The healing feels organic and really builds up the bonds between the friends.”
• Monkeys Fighting Robots: 8/10 “…a bittersweet issue, one that follows the events of the first season. Its success is in making the characters feel so very human, as they learn to cope with everything they have seen and survived.”
• One More Comic (Spanish): 8/10 “The love of playing Dungeons & Dragons transcends and is no longer just fun, it is a way to heal wounds.”
• Scifi Pulse: “The art team does a great job on this issue. The character likenesses are bang on. As are the different locations. I particularly enjoyed the sequence of panels where Mike was devising the game in his attic.”