Author Archives: Jim Zub

Zubby Newsletter #106: Treasured Times

Treasures on the Gary Con showfloor.

Sprinting from event to event in March and it’s been exhausting and yet also energizing at the same time. Seeing so many friends, meeting so many readers, reminding myself how important human contact is to what I do and what I enjoy.

Last year I thought I would attend Gary Con one time only, just a chance to celebrate 50 years of D&D and then I’d go back to my regular comic convention show schedule but Gary Con, Gamehole, and D&D in a Castle really sunk their hooks into me in ways I didn’t expect. Without trying to sound too dramatic – running games for friends and strangers, having that immediate feedback loop of entertainment at the gaming table, and making spontaneous memories and stories is absolutely core to me as a creative person and when I get too busy to engage that side of my life I am less inspired and less happy. So, yeah, adding tabletop gaming shows to my travel schedule makes things more hectic, but the benefit is worth more than the mileage for me right now.

In other words, Gary Con 2025 went really well.

Zub and Erik Mona after a successful Gary Con.

Like last year’s whirlwind, I don’t have space to recount it all here, but some high points include:

• Wonderful conversations with friends, just unabashedly telling people how awesome they are or how inspiring they’ve been to me and seeing them light up.

• Talking with one of the head people at Titmouse animation about our shared excitement for Conan the Barbarian, though his fandom has gone to a level I won’t be able to match – one of his children is actually named “Conan!”

• Hilarious tales of gaming and comic conventions before the arrival of smartphones and social media, with everyone involved quite thankful we couldn’t be instantly recorded and posted online back then.

• Meeting a couple gamers who have already signed up for my D&D in a Castle sessions happening in November. They’re excited and now I’m even more excited.

• Singing Mr. Brightside at the Chaosium 50th anniversary party while the whole room sang/screamed along.

• Running the new Conan: The Hyborian Age TTRPG for fans of the comics, and bringing that same lyrical pulp sensibility to my descriptions of the environments, characters, and action scenes.

• Running a frenetic and hilarious 9-player (!) pick-up game of the Mothership RPG for The Dungeon Dudes and a bunch of my other friends with B. Dave Walters stopping by to play a tragic and nihilistic NPC until he was brutally snuffed out.

• Contributing to the Gary Con charity art jampiece-

The Gary Con 2025 Charity Artist Jampiece, almost finished.

Young Zub: Some day you’ll get to sketch a piece beside the legendary Larry Elmore, Jeff Easely, Erol Otus, and more to raise money for charity because you’ll be part of the tabletop role-playing game industry! Pinch yourself, kid. The future is gonna be surreal.

Modrons for the win!

The new SKULLKICKERS Collection campaign on Zoop has crossed the funding line and there are ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT, so contribute while you still can!

Current + Upcoming Releases

  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 4: Frozen Faith TPB – released February 19th.
  • Conan the Barbarian #18 – released February 19th.
  • Thunderbolts: Winter Soldiers – released March 4th.
  • Conan the Barbarian #19 – released March 19th.
  • Conan: Battle of the Black Stone TPB – releases April 1st.
  • Rick and Morty VS Cthulhu – Deluxe Edition – releases April 1st.
  • Conan the Barbarian #20 – releases April 16th.
  • FCBD Conan: Scourge of the Serpent – Prelude – releases May 3rd.
  • Conan the Barbarian #21 – releases May 14th.

  • Upcoming Appearances

    Just announced – My good friend Ray Fawkes and I will be signing at THIRD EYE COMICS in Annapolis, Maryland for FREE COMIC BOOK DAY on MAY 3rd, 2025 from 9am-Noon! It’s a short drive from Baltimore or Washington DC.

    We’re signing FCBD CONAN: SCOURGE OF THE SERPENT Prelude and THE PHANTOM #0 issues, along with any other Zub/Fawkes comics you bring to the event or buy at the shop!

    For Conan fans unable to attend – When CONAN THE BARBARIAN #0 came out, Third Eye had extra stock signed for mail order, and that will likely be the case here as well, so reach out to them directly to secure a signed copy.

    Apr 12-13, 2025 Mumbai Comic Con Mumbai, INDIA
    Apr 24-27, 2025 Calgary Expo Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
    May 3, 2025 Third Eye Comics – FCBD Signing Annapolis, MD, USA
    Nov 3-14, 2025 D&D in a Castle Castle Lumley, Newcastle, UK

    Other Links

    • The official Conan the Barbarian Youtube Channel has a great overview of Thulsa Doom, the original necromancer-skeletal badass – prose, comics, and in the movies.

    Matttt puts out another banger of a video. This rundown of Don Rosa‘s career drawing Donald Duck comics is informative, engaging, and heartbreaking.


    Zub Comics Arriving in June 2025!

    Story – JIM ZUB
    Cover A – DAN PANOSIAN

    The Great Serpent’s influence twists and turns, pulling Conan into their deadly coils as the Cimmerian and his allies are lured into Stygia…What they find on this journey will make their blood run cold and set the stage for a conflict beyond their wildest imagination!

    In Shops: Jun 11, 2025

    Story – JIM ZUB
    Artist – GENZOMAN
    Cover A – GENZOMAN
    Cover B – JEFF ‘CHAMBA’ CRUZ

    Elena, the Capoeira kick-fighter, stars in her very own one-shot- just in time for her upcoming appearance in Street Fighter 6! Elena heads back to her home village in Kenya, with her fellow martial artists Ibuki and Makoto in tow! Are these three BFF fighters enough to put a damper on Vortex’s latest scheme…? YOU BET!

    In Shops: Jun 25, 2025

    Conan the Barbarian #19 Reviews

    Comical Opinions: 8.3/10 “…a taut, grim exercise in survival when Conan ventures into the jungles of the Black Kingdoms, leading to the introduction of a longtime Conan ally. Jim Zub’s tale of woe gives readers a lesson on why Conan is the toughest barbarian around, and Doug Braithwaite’s art is glorious.”

    Cool Thunder: 9.8/10 “Doug Braithwaite’s artwork is nothing short of breathtaking…This issue is a must-read, delivering top-tier storytelling and stunning visuals. We give it our highest recommendation.”

    Crushing Krisis: “Truly, truly gorgeous art from Doug Braothwaite with colors by Diego Rodriguez. It made me gasp on every page. It’s a really beautiful story.”

    The Dragon’s Cache: 9.4/10 “Diego Rodriguez lavishes a loaded palette on Doug Braithwaite’s moody and atmospheric art. Yellow eyes watch as Conan tumbles into the murky swamp. Scarlet fills the air when danger threatens. Blue smudges and streaks fill the background when the wind tosses Conan’s dark mane. Amid the verdant greenery, Conan knees to study marks in the brown sand.”

    Eternal Crusader: 9/10 “Braithwaite’s panels are exquisite miniatures that do not skimp on elaborately detailed backgrounds. There is an evident passion in every panel, inviting readers to explore and immerse themselves in the setting. When Braithwaite is not filling pages with dynamic and brutal fight scenes, one can almost smell the putrid mire and damp underbrush of the thick forest…I would place it within my top five issues so far.”

    Evan the Architect: “Doug Braithwaite’s artwork is always breathtaking. He does a great job with the action…I can’t wait to see what comes next.”

    GoodReads: 8/10 “excellent art from Doug Braithwaite and pulse-pounding action and suspense…I’m thrilled to be on this ride and to see where else these stories can take us.”

    Kabooooom!: 5/5 “Conan the Barbarian #19 is a rare thing indeed…This is a great book and a worthy continuation of the Conan legacy.”

    League of Comic Geeks: 10/10 “The art is jaw dropping! Seriously, I don’t know if I’ve ever read a book with better art. Braithwaithe’s pencils and layouts combined with Rodriguez’s colors have been great on this book, but this particular issue seems to be built to showcase it.”

    Nerd Initiative: 9/10 “This run of Conan has been absolutely fantastic. I have not been disappointed in a single issue since its come out and this just keeps that train a-rollin’…Fantastic art, really cool story.”

    SciFi Pulse: 9.6/10 “The artwork is fantastic, with both the artist and colorist fully immersing you in the jungle, making it feel like a character in its own right. Overall, it’s a strong start, with a fantastic final page that sets the stage for what’s to come”

    Stygian Dogs: “Jim Zub’s engrossing tale of survival in the days after the Queen of the Black Coast’s death pits man against nature…Doug Brathwaite is afforded generous room for his extraordinary visual storytelling. Rich in detail and vividly colored by Diego Rodriguez, the issue is an immersive experience that is not to be missed.”

    Sword & Sorcery Book Club: “Overall, this was a great issue. I had a great time with it. I love the work that’s being put in. I really appreciate Jim’s narration he put into this one.”

    Thinking Critical: “A very intense, very physical issue of a comic…This has been one of the best series of the past two years now.”

    Two Guys and a Stack of Comics: “Book of the Week!…A really simplistic plot, but it had more action and depth to it than the build up of most events in the Big Two…This team is just firing on all cylinders!”

    Zub at Gary Con 2025!

    This week I’ll be in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin for Gary Con XVII, a tabletop RPG convention that celebrates the roots of the hobby where it all started and brings together some of the best and brightest in the industry. I’m running several play sessions of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and the new Conan: The Hyborian Age TTRPG, but those games are already booked up and wait listed, so below I’ve linked to the discussion panels and signing you can still join in on.

    If you’re headed to Gary Con and want to take advantage of the Writer’s Track Programming, you can check out all the writing-related panels by heading HERE.

    2:00 PM-2:50 PM – Writer’s Track: Writing in Others’ IPs – GWC-271 in Galewood C
    Learn from some of the industry’s household names and independent successes as they wade through the complex waters of writing in worlds owned by other creators.

    4:00 PM-4:50 PM – Autograph Session: Jim Zub – Autograph Table Booth 110 in Forum
    Bring something written by Jim to have it signed. His books and projects are listed HERE.

    9:00 AM-9:50 AM – Writer’s Track: Worldbuilding for Games & Novels – Evole Room
    Explore the intersection of game and book worldbuilding with bestselling novelists and game writers. What goes into each; how are they alike, and how do they differ?

    10:00 AM-10:50 AM – Adapting RPG Stories—Games to Other Mediums – Swinghurst Room
    Jim Zub (writer of the D&D comic series, Stranger Things and D&D, and Rick and Morty VS D&D), Erik Mona (publisher at Paizo and former editor of Dragon Magazine), and Matt Forbeck (designer of the Marvel Multiverse RPG, Deadlands, Lord of the Rings RPG, and many more) discuss adapting games to other mediums. How do you turn the spontaneous narrative of the table into a story anyone can enjoy?

    9:00 AM-10:20 AM – Writer’s Track: Ask Me Anything Writers’ Hour – Grand Suite
    A gathering of great novelists, game writers, and creatives take your questions on…anything you may want to ask! Get answers to the burning questions!

    Zubby Newsletter #105: Thumb’s Up, Seattle!

    Deadpool Sketch from ECCC 2025

    Last week I mentioned that I hoped Emerald City Comic Con would lift my spirits and, thankfully, it did that and a whole lot more!

    The convention was hopping, with a ton of readers and retailers stopping by to chat about superheroes or sword & sorcery and the social scene was as strong as ever, with both small and focused chatter and big party blowouts. The world can feel divisive and cruel right now, but there’s also a lot of kindness if you seek it out and share it with others.

    There was a nice balance of quick signatures and hearty handshakes alongside more in-depth conversations. After MegaCon, some of my industry friends joked that I’ve become “Everyone’s Dad’s favorite new comic writer” thanks to Conan the Barbarian and if that’s true it’s a badge I’ll wear with pride. Hearing so many heartfelt stories from collectors who are back in comic shops after 20+ years thanks to the series feels incredible.

    Superman Sketch from ECCC 2025

    I was also able to do some sketches for fans, which can throw some people off if they only know me from my writing work. Over the years I’ve done a few variant covers on series (notably Samurai Jack, Rick and Morty) and it’s something I’d like to do more of as time permits, but for now these quick ones at least make sure rust doesn’t build up on my drawing basics.

    The March sprint continues with plenty of events and deadlines, and Seattle proved to be just the boost I was looking for. Thank you to all the friends and fans who stopped by.

    This weekend is Toronto Comicon and I’ll be there on Friday and Sunday. My grandmother is turning 95 and there’s a big family get together on Saturday for her, so I won’t be at the convention that day.

    The new SKULLKICKERS Collection campaign on Zoop has crossed the funding line and we still have 2 weeks left, so it’s definitely happening and you can join in!

    Get this new printing of my first sword and sorcery story at a great price or get the books and other spiffy extras like signatures, sketches, original art, and other add-ons – It’s also a perfect gift for the sword & sorcery fan or TTRPGer in your life, so please check it out and share the link far and wide!

    Talking Skullkickers All Over The Place

    Plenty of Skullkickers-related interviews popping up in and around the Zoop campaign:

    I spoke to the Comic Book Yeti about my career in comics and there’s a big piece in there about balancing work and personal stuff, including my teaching career alongside freelance writing.

    I spoke to Geek Vibes Nation all about Skullkickers and the potential found in the digest format for bringing in new readers.

    I spoke to True North Country Comics all about Comps Con, convention season, Skullkickers, Conan the Barbarian, Savage Sword of Conan, tabletop gaming, and more.

    I spoke to The Comic Source all about the history of Skullkickers, growing up playing Dungeons & Dragons, how making comics are like a time capsule and more!

    Current + Upcoming Releases

  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 TPB – released January 14th.
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 4: Frozen Faith TPB – released February 19th.
  • Conan the Barbarian #18 – released February 19th.
  • Thunderbolts: Winter Soldiers – released March 4th.
  • Conan the Barbarian #19 – releases March 19th.
  • Conan: Battle of the Black Stone TPB – releases April 1st.
  • Rick and Morty VS Cthulhu – Deluxe Edition – releases April 1st.
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 2 TPB – releases April 8th.
  • Conan the Barbarian #20 – releases April 16th.

  • Upcoming Appearances

    Just announced – I’m going to INDIA for MUMBAI COMIC CON on April 12-13!
    Rob Den Bleyker (Cyanide & Happiness) and I are International Guests at the show and it’s going to be an incredible adventure.

    Mar 14+16, 2025 Toronto Comicon Toronto, Ontario, CANADA
    Mar 20-23, 2025 Gary Con XVII Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, USA
    Apr 12-13, 2025 Mumbai Comic Con Mumbai, INDIA
    Apr 24-27, 2025 Calgary Expo Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
    Nov 3-14, 2025 D&D in a Castle Castle Lumley, Newcastle, UK

    Other Links

    The Comics Beat discusses the changing format of comic conventions – the types of fans and exhibitors coming to shows and what it might mean for the future.

    Omar at Near Mint Condition gets all caught up on the newest Conan the Barbarian trade paperbacks: Thrice Marked For Death, The Age Unconquered, Frozen Faith, and more!

    • Legendary comic scribe Roy Thomas talked to the official Conan website all about coming back to write a new story for Savage Sword of Conan #7.


    Zub at Toronto Comicon 2025

    I’m a Featured Guest at this year’s Toronto Comicon on Friday and Sunday (unfortunately, I am unable to attend on Saturday). I’ll be set up with the Comic Sketch Art team at-

    Professional Table P-133

    In addition to signing at my table, on Friday I also have a panel:

    4:00 PM-5:00 PM – Comic Writers Unite! – Theatre 2
    Comic writers Jim Zub (Conan the Barbarian), Fred Kennedy (Dead Romans), Michael Schwartz (Armored), and Cecil Castellucci (Batgirl) talk about their craft and answer questions.

    Zubby Newsletter #104: Looking For Some Lift

    As I type this, the new SKULLKICKERS Collection campaign on Zoop has popped over the funding line and we still have 3 weeks left, so it’s definitely happening and you can join in!

    Get this new printing of my first sword and sorcery story at a great price or get the books and other spiffy extras like signatures, sketches, original art, and other add-ons – It’s also a perfect gift for the sword & sorcery fan or TTRPGer in your life, so please check it out and share the link far and wide!

    A little slice of sunset serenity in Alberta.

    I’ve been staying just outside Calgary, visiting friends and recharging before Emerald City Comicon in Seattle and it’s been a nice change of pace, but I miss Stacy a lot. On our shared calendar the schedule looked relatively organized, but I always forget the ‘mental mileage’ of being on the road compared to being at home with her.

    March is extremely busy with conventions on 3 out of 4 weekends along with deadlines aplenty and, with the tumultuous state of politics and economics, it’s also incredibly hard to concentrate on creative projects even when I love what I’m doing and am working with such incredible people. That said, a big reason why I keep going back to Emerald City Comicon is because the social component is so strong and it reminds me why I do what I do. Here’s hoping this year’s show casts a similar spell because I think everyone there could really use a burst of uplifting energy.

    Talking to the Comics Beat

    I spoke to Diego Higuera at The Comics Beat all about SKULLKICKERS – the original series, our new printing, the manga-sized format, and more! Make sure you check this one out because we cover a lot of great material.

    Three REH Award Nominations!

    The REH Foundation has posted the nomination list for the 2025 Robert E. Howard Awards!

    There are 9 nominees for the coveted Rankin Award and I’m thrilled to have 3 of those nominations alongside our killer creative teams. Congrats to all the nominees, especially Howard scholar Jeff Shanks, whose essays in Battle of the Black Stone also earned him a nomination! Seeing so many friends, collaborators, and prominent members of the fandom represented in those nominations is wonderful.

    Current + Upcoming Releases

  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 TPB – released January 14th.
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 4: Frozen Faith TPB – released February 19th.
  • Conan the Barbarian #18 – released February 19th.
  • Thunderbolts: Winter Soldiers – releases March 4th.
  • Conan the Barbarian #19 – releases March 19th.
  • Conan: Battle of the Black Stone TPB – releases April 1st.
  • Rick and Morty VS Cthulhu – Deluxe Edition – releases April 1st.
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 2 TPB – releases April 8th.
  • Conan the Barbarian #20 – releases April 16th.

  • Upcoming Appearances

    Mar 6-9, 2025 Emerald City Comic Con Seattle, Washington, USA
    Mar 14-16, 2025 Toronto Comicon Toronto, Ontario, CANADA
    Mar 20-23, 2025 Gary Con XVII Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, USA
    Apr 24-27, 2025 Calgary Expo Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
    Nov 3-14, 2025 D&D in a Castle Castle Lumley, Newcastle, UK

    Other Links

    Colleen Doran‘s latest newsletter is a step-by-step breakdown of her wonderful CONAN THE BARBARIAN variant cover artwork from issue #1 that came out in 2023. Such an honor to have this art on our series.

    Chip Zdarsky promotes ZCN (Zdarsky Comic News) at the ComicsPro retailer conference as only he can – awkwardly…so awkwardly.

    Jorge Molina‘s YouTube channel is a treasure trove of step-by-step artistic process that will amaze and inspire you.


    Zub at Emerald City Comic Con 2025!

    It’s wonderful to be back at Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, Washington, one of my favorite conventions each year. I’ll be set up with the Comic Sketch Art team at-


    In addition to signing at my table during the show, on Friday I have two panels and a book giveaway:

    2:00 PM-2:45 PM – Dungeons and Dragons and Comics, Oh My! – Room 345 • Level 3
    Swords are cool! And comics with swords are even cooler. Join Jim Zub (Conan the Barbarian, Dungeons & Dragons), G. Willow Wilson (The Hunger and the Dusk), Zack Davisson (Record of Lodoss War), and others to talk about sexy orks, bladed weapons, fantastical beasts, and what makes comics a perfect medium for telling fantasy stories.

    3:15 PM-4:00 PM – Convention Horror Stories, An ECCC Tradition – Room 320 • Level 3
    Jim Zub (Conan the Barbarian, Rick and Morty VS Dungeons & Dragons) and Katie Cook (My Little Pony, Nothing Special) are back with their fan-favorite con horror stories panel! What’s it like working as a pro in the business on the convention ‘circuit’? Ridiculous, embarrassing, and always entertaining! Some of these stories will make you laugh out loud, others will make you cringe! This panel is recommended for those 16+ due to coarse language.

    4:15 PM-4:45PM – D&D Young Adventurer’s Signing and Giveaway – Booth #20515
    At the Penguin-Random House booth, author Jim Zub will be signing FREE copies of Artificers & Alchemy, the newest Dungeons & Dragons Young Adventurer’s Guide, while supplies last!

    Conan the Barbarian #18 Reviews

    After our first skip month since the new series launch, we’re back with Conan the Barbarian #18!
    What did the critics think of the second half of our ‘Fangs and Foolish Thieves’ 2-part story?

    9 Panel Grid: “This issue was awesome…It still delivers on the classic Conan tales and the feel you want for this book.”

    Amazon: 10/10 “The characters, dialogue, narration are all exactly as they should be, and I still find myself pleasantly surprised every time that it feels right. I should have learned by now.”

    Comical Opinions: 7.8/10 “…brings the two-parter to a close with bloody fights, magic, monsters, and more. Jim Zub nails the chemistry between Conan and Bêlit, demonstrating exactly why she is Conan’s greatest love”

    Cool Thunder: 8.5/10 “Conan and Bêlit’s adventures continues to be a fun and engaging ride, capturing the essence of their fiery romance and relentless battles.”

    Crushing Krisis: “I think Jim Zub is writing Conan for the ages…The captions and the prose is so strong.”

    Cupcake Comic Reviews: “If there’s a book that can make me buy it for issue 18 or issue 20, that means it’s really good…Conan is what Conan does and that is brutal savagery.”

    DC Patrol: “I urge you to go out and read Conan the Barbarian by Jim Zub and company because these are always entertaining, always fun. You get your money’s worth and that’s important, especially these days.”

    Dragon’s Cache: 9.8/10 “If the life of a thief precludes loyalty, the antique business proves equally devoid of morality. When Conan and Bêlit embark on a mission without knowing their accomplice, they get more than they bargained for”

    Eternal Crusader: “…whether it’s the vibrant bazaars of Kyros, nocturnal estates, secret libraries, or bustling harbor facilities, Brine fills each panel with an abundance of detail, exoticism, and ornamental elements that bring the setting vividly to life for readers.”

    Evan the Architect: “Another solid issue…Conan’s a great book and I recommend everybody check it out.”

    GrimDark Magazine: “Conan the Barbarian #18 caps off a whirlwind caper. The shorter storyline and fresh artwork show that Jim Zub is still willing to experiment with the Titan Comics series, even as the title sprints towards its second anniversary.”

    League of Comic Geeks: 8/10 “A great story of treachery, double-crossing, and a harrowing escape. Whenever the Cult of Set is involved, you know Conan is going to see some action this did not fail to deliver.”

    Mark On Comics: “Jim Zub has just been killing it the entire series. We’re a year and a half in and everything is just going great!”

    Mighty Thorngren: “Plnety of action in this issue that made me happy and I had fun reading it. This is a fun story and I like how it ended too.”

    Nerd Initiative: 9/10 “Amazing stuff!…It feels exactly like the Conan books I was buying off the spinner rack as a young kid. What more needs to be said!”

    Old Nerd Reviews WY: “A really good issue with lots of action…Ever since Titan has gotten the Conan property it has been non-stop banger after banger.”

    Pop Culture Philosophers: “I loved it. It’s another solid issue of a side story that’s setting up stuff for the future of this run.”

    Sci-Fi Pulse: 9.6/10 “It’s great to finally learn more about Bêlit and her relationship with Conan…This issue, and to some extent the one before it, gives us a better understanding of why Conan would be drawn to her. Bêlit is every bit as cunning and dangerous as he is, and she wastes no time settling her scores.”

    Stygian Dogs: “Brine’s detailed backgrounds once again stand out and I found her character work more cohesive this time…Jim Zub bookends his Issue #18 with something pretty exciting, transforming what might be a pretty straight-forward ‘heist gone wrong story’ into the raison d’etre for the two-issue arc.”

    Sword & Sorcery Book Club: “Overall, this issue was great. I really had a lot of fun with it. I enjoyed the action-packed storytelling. I like the artwork and I like the coloring.”

    Zubby Newsletter #103: Easily Digestable

    Vancouver Fan Expo was a lot of fun and, as I type this, I’m just outside Calgary staying with friends and getting some writing work done before I ricochet back to the west coast for Emerald City Comicon in Seattle next week. On to more important news-

    SKULLKICKERS: The Digest Edition campaign is now LIVE!

    The sword & sorcery action-comedy series that kicked off my writing career is back in a wonderful new compact-manga-sized format, perfect for reading, sharing, or giving as a gift to the fantasy fan in your life.

    This campaign gets you the complete series and we have lots of wonderful extras like signatures, sketches, original art, game books and other add-ons – Please check it out and share the link far and wide!

    As some of the middle volumes of the original trade paperbacks went out of print at Image, the numbers didn’t quite make sense to reprint them on their own, but that also meant retailers and readers couldn’t easily get the whole series. We talked about possibly doing an all-in-one omnibus but the reality is that although those big tomes look awesome on a bookshelf, they’re a pain to actually hold and read. I wanted to make sure new readers could easily discover the series and longtime fans could snag a copy for themselves in a format and price point that would work for everyone.

    This 3-volume complete edition is perfect for retail and ideal for readers, with eye-catching new cover artwork by Edwin Huang and Misty Coats.

    Go get ’em!

    Speaking of our campaign, I spoke to World At War Comics all about Skullkickers and Conan the Barbarian in a new interview you can watch right here:

    Talking to the Sword & Sorcery Book Club

    Lion at the Sword & Sorcery Book Club has been a steady supporter of my work in the Hyborian Age. We met in person last year at Robert E. Howard Days in Texas and since then we’ve been talking about getting together for an interview. Finally, almost 8 months later, we made it happen and it was a really nice chat:

    Current + Upcoming Releases

  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 TPB – released January 14th.
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 4: Frozen Faith TPB – released February 19th.
  • Conan the Barbarian #18 – released February 19th.
  • Thunderbolts: Winter Soldiers – releases March 4th.
  • Conan the Barbarian #19 – releases March 19th.
  • Conan: Battle of the Black Stone TPB – releases April 1st.
  • Rick and Morty VS Cthulhu – Deluxe Edition – releases April 1st.
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 2 TPB – releases April 8th.
  • Conan the Barbarian #20 – releases April 16th.

  • Upcoming Appearances

    I’m back at the Calgary Expo, and more show announcements are coming soon!

    Mar 6-9, 2025 Emerald City Comic Con Seattle, Washington, USA
    Mar 14-16, 2025 Toronto Comicon Toronto, Ontario, CANADA
    Mar 20-23, 2025 Gary Con XVII Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, USA
    Apr 24-27, 2025 Calgary Expo Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
    Nov 3-14, 2025 D&D in a Castle Castle Lumley, Newcastle, UK

    Other Links

    Gary B the Casual Comic Guy has a really nice overview of my adaptation of The Frost-Giant’s Daughter and what makes a good adaptation.

    Christopher Fornataro‘s painting lessons are always great, but this one I found about seeing planes and presenting volume is extra-helpful. Check it out.

    • This GitHub database of 3D rotatable animal skulls and animal reference search is invaluable. If you’re an artist, make sure you add this to your reference pool!
