Some Thoughts on the DC Writers Workshop Results

Lots of chatter about the DC Writers Workshop announcement.

I have no idea how many entries they received. In the press release they say “thousands” and that doesn’t surprise me.

When I posted I was looking for a colorist for a pitch I received hundreds of portfolios. With DC’s size and reach, thousands seems right.

So, with thousands to sift through, I can’t even imagine how hard it must have been to narrow the selection to 8. Just bonkers.

When you’re dealing with those kinds of odds, any tiny thing can demote a proposal just to try and get it down to a manageable number.

It sounds callous, but it’s true. I sort hundreds of portfolios each year for the Animation program where I teach. It’s a bit maddening.

You want to spend time with each one because they each represent a person – Their hard work and aspirations laid bare for you.

But then the sheer volume starts to overwhelm and you realize you have to filter. You have to start cutting. Dreams will be crushed.

You try to be as rational and fair as possible, and every little tidbit of information becomes a way to promote or demote a choice.

If I saw a bunch of established professionals in that mix, some award-winning, many quite accomplished in other fields, that would be tough.

It sets a really high bar but, given the massive amount of submissions, it makes sense.
I don’t envy anyone in that situation.

But, here’s the other important thing –
With that competition, it’s also hard to take it personal if you didn’t get in.

No matter how you feel right now, let me assure you:
A failed submission does NOT define your creative career unless you let it.

I’ve worked on amazing projects and worked on crapola.
I’ve been hired, fired, and black listed.
I’ve screwed up and been screwed over.

What matters is that I kept my integrity and kept creating.
I’m not the best writer, not by a long shot, but I do not give up.

That doesn’t mean I’ll get what I want when I want it (does anyone?) but it does mean I’ll keep creating and be ready for opportunities.

It’s 100% fine to feel crappy because something you wanted didn’t go the way you hoped. That’s real.

But, after you finish that browbeating and regret, decide what’s the next best step to creating work you’re proud of and build toward that.

(Taken from my Twitter thread and archived here because Storify went kaput.)

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