Zubby Newsletter – April 17, 1999

Let’s see, another exciting week in the world of Zub.

After months of trying to reorganize our office, I can proudly announce that Aurenya is moving to more convenient and much more spacious office space on May 1st. We’ve been meaning to do this for a long time and with all of the other thing son our plate it just hasn’t come about until now. The coolest part of this is that the boys will be moving us while Kandrix and I are in Toronto, saving us the headache of moving day 🙂

With the new place, we’ll have more than enough power for the fridge, microwave and toaster oven that were a part of our Aurenya life back in the first office space we had. Looks like Toaster Strudels and Pizza Pops are back on the menu 🙂

I treated myself this week with some purchases I’m all proud of. Firstly, I picked up the soundtrack to The Big Chill, which is filled with all kinds of 60’s and 70’s music. My Aunt Edith showed me that movie when I was living at her place and it really means a lot to me in terms of growing up and friendships I’ve had. So, hearing those tunes, even though I wasn’t around when they originally came out, is kind of cool.

I’m back in to reading comics and two of the books I’m currently reading are really, really strange, but pleasing as well. The first one is Preacher and it’s a VERY VIOLENT but extremely satisfying experience. Not a book for everyone. It’s a wild, blasphemous adventure when a preacher gets possessed by a demonic spirit and he goes on a road trip to find God. That’s about all I can say without revealing too much. Check it out at your own risk because it’s definitely ‘R’ rated as far as content goes.

The other one is one that my friends Dav and Stacy had told me about a long time ago, but I hadn’t picked up until now. It’s called The Invisibles and is also very crazy and over the top like Preacher. Every conspiracy theory, from aliens to the occult are true and a group of freedom fighters of all sorts of backgrounds are trying to take control away from an overpowering evil. Very cool and again not for everyone especially the easily offended.

I can’t believe that I’ll be back in TO in just over a week. It’s scary and wonderful and I hope I can do all the things I want to before it’s all over.

After the Sheridan Open House, things will be calming down around the office as we prep for summer and I’m set to get out and have a social life. The goal this summer is to do more artwork for myself and meet some great new people.

The entire staff, both the people on board and the people we’ve been interviewing for new positions, are going to be getting together next Saturday for Kurt’s going-away party. Kurt’s one of our animators and a real workhorse and we’re sad to see him go. He’s heading back to Sheridan to complete his Summer Animation school training and I’m positive he’s going to make big waves there. A lot of the summer students don’t draw enough in their off-months, but Kurt’s been plugging away here and his progress is amazing. So, it’s a good time to celebrate the company as a whole and get everyone pumped for the trip Kandrix and I are taking. All told, there will be about 40 people there. Now that I think about it, we’re growing fast!

So, with all of that, it’s been a busy week as always and I’m looking forward to the next one and the summer approaching.

Until next week…

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