Wayward #4 Reviews


Wayward #4 arrived in comic shops last week and the reviews are really strong once again. If you haven’t gotten on board the series yet, please consider giving it a try. Many shops still have 2nd printing copies of our first issue.

Big Glasgow: 9/10 “Another brilliant issue for Wayward, definitely worth buying and enjoying.”

Black Ship Books: “Wayward continues to be one of my favorite series Image is putting out.”

Cold Beer and Comics: 5/5 “I can’t put this comic down. It reads just like a movie and I bet this is adapted within the next couple of years.”

Comic Attack: “Steve Cummings has consistently supplied Wayward with some of THE sharpest artwork around. The same amount of detail and great work you get on the cover is what you can expect when you open the issue up.”

Comic Book Bin: “Wayward offers a mystery that is as unknown as it is alluring. Like Rori following the glowing threads that guide (or lead) her, we don’t know where this mystery will take us, but let’s follow!”

Comix I Read: 5/5 “I cannot recommend this book enough to everyone.The story is fantastic and the art is some of the best in comics today.”

Fandom Post: “This issue is heavily focused on the action and it’s warranted as it lets the creative team really show their stuff in a great way – and beautifully colored at that.”

Major Spoilers: 4/5 “Wayward #4 is an awesome issue and the series is helmed by two creators who know exactly what they are doing and how they want events to play out.”

Mind Capsules: 9/10 “Wayward is a truly wonderful and beautiful book on every level, one that deserves a place on your pull list.”

Moar Powah: 4/5 “Though mostly a transitional piece, Wayward certainly makes an impression.”

OmniJerBear: 10/10 “The best arc of the year. Period.”

Outright Geekery: 4.5/5 “The issue was an absolute blast to read from beginning to end.”

Panel Patter: “This is such an amazing creation, one of the best new series of 2014, and pretty much a slam-dunk for my favorites list.”

Reading With a Flight Ring: “The moment you hit that two page spread you realize what’s going down and it pumps up the adrenaline. This could be the next big thing.”

Third Eye Spotlight: “Jim Zub takes an incredible tale of supernatural horror and blends it with slice of life drama to make for one heck of an awesome read.”

TMStash: 10/10 “You cannot read this tale without being drawn in – it is a totally captivating story.”

What’cha Reading: 8/10 “Good writing, good art, this book is just a solid piece of storytelling all around.”

What’s On The Table: “If you are interested in a modern day Japan setting with supernatural adventures, go read this comic!”

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