Calgary Expo Pin-Up 2007

I got home from a nice pub dinner at the Victory with charmingmonstrs and then went home feeling a little groggy and expecting to crash out. As I got in the door I remembered that I still had artwork to do for the Calgary Comic Expo. They have a pin-up book each year, with all proceeds from it going to charity. It’s a brilliant way to commemorate the con, do something nice for their community and get people at the show to meet more artists as they go around getting it signed. Click here to see the one I drew last year.

I thought I’d just do a quick rough and head to bed but then I got on a roll and couldn’t quit until it was done:

2B pencil on comic art board with tones added in Photoshop.

The actual pencil drawing will be up for auction at the show to raise extra money for charity, so if you’re going to be there you could own the original.

Kandrix, the head organizer of the Calgary Expo, is one of the smartest business guys I know. He strikes a perfect balance between approachable/fun and responsible/mature. He went to cons for years before organizing his own and you can tell how much he’s learned by analyzing the strengths/weaknesses of other shows. Last year’s Expo was easily one of the best shows I’d ever been to. Clean, organized, professional – everyone was great. This years’ looks even better, with a killer guest list to boot. If you’re even remotely out that way you should check it out.

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