
I’ve been using the holiday break to draw for myself, trying to solidify ideas for stories and experiment with some styles and designs to see if I can find something that clicks for me.

So… what do you guys and gals think of this experiment I put together tonight?

It’s a tight pencil sketch with rough blue lines removed and texture/tones added in Photoshop.

I need an approach that looks good but won’t be brutally labor intensive since I’d have to try and balance doing pages for a story with my teaching, coordinating and tons of Udon responsibilities in the new year.

This look is way more manga-inspired than what you’ve seen from me before, which I think is a good thing. I don’t want to be typecast as far as what I’m capable of. I want to simplify without losing a sense of good drawing underneath. Working with just a couple tones for highlights and shadows might force me to stage better and think more carefully about mood. When I wake up maybe I won’t like this piece at all but right now it’s working for me.

Your thoughts are appreciated.

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