Zubby Newsletter – February 7, 2004


Oh shit, it’s February.

Um, hi…sorry I haven’t been in touch very much since Christmas time. The whole mad schedule and all that. Things are changing as always and time is moving at faster than expected speeds around me, through me and under my feet.

The new year is starting off strongly however. Lots of work, teaching, artwork and projects to manage. Probably one of the busiest times I’ve had at Udon mixed with the new part-time teaching position at Seneca. It’s a good kind of crazy schedule.

Gala and I found an apartment and we’ll be moving in March 1st to the new place. My Aunt and Uncle have been wonderful and staying here helped us get back on our feet after the financial hit in Halifax. We’re coming out ahead and looking forward to unpacking boxes that have sat at my Grandmother’s in storage for almost a year.

Unbelievably, this is probably my last Newsletter e-mail. It’s not that I don’t care or don’t want to stay in touch. I just realized how much easier it is to put the journal on the web instead of trying to keep up with people’s e-mail addresses and dodge their junk mail filters. From now on, you can keep up to date with me at:


All the old Newsletter e-mails are archived there, crazily enough. That’s 130 posts dating all the way back to March 1999. If you ever wanted to read and see the ebbs and flows in my life, you can start here:


and click the little “next post” arrow through as you read each entry up to the present. Archiving them brought back a slew of memories, good feelings and bad. It made me glad I’ve kept them and helps me put a date to events I might have forgotten. I need to add some more photos, especially to the convention posts from this summer, but everything else is there.

If you have a live journal, feel free to send me the link if I don’t already have it.

So, now your e-mail In-Box is free from my pelting. I hope you stop by the journal site. Feel free to comment or send me e-mails.

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