Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #1 Reviews

Adventures In Poor Taste: “A good fight comic that offers something a little different for the hardcore Marvel fan.”

Black Nerd Problems: 8.5/10 “It’s a delightful array of B-list super heroes that just fall short of qualifying for the Avengers (Except for the Wasp and Okoye, they slap). This is a standard early super team book with a special charm because of how underutilized these characters are.”

Caped-Joel: 9/10 “All in all, I thought this was an excellent first issue and if you’re on the fence about reading this book, get off the fence because this is a great comic book right here.”

Comic 8/10 “…it’s off to a promising start and Lan Medina’s art is impressive.”

Comic Book Resources: “With one of the most offbeat, eclectic casts in a Marvel team book ever, Jim Zub and Lan Medina’s opening issue is a stark reminder that superhero comics can and should be fun as it embraces the zanier side of the Marvel Universe while balancing its inspired roster.”

Chillmonger: “It was good, nice and necessary, and we’ll see where it goes.”

Comic Book University: “All the characters are handled well in this book…This one deserves to be on your pull-list.”

Comics Beat: “Jim Zub, Lan Medina, and Marcio Menyz introduce the strange array of characters and the concept that’s brought them all together well, and tell a fun story about a team that’s still finding their footing. The last page character reveal/cliffhanger certainly has me interested to see what’s next.”

Do You Even Comic Book?: 8/10 “Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda is well put together and exciting with art that supports the action taking place. Jim Zub shines writing these characters and surprises the reader with some twists.”

DVS Gaming: “Although I am not totally familiar with the characters, their voices become stronger and sharper further into the issue. The biggest surprise to me is Fat Cobra. His cavalier attitude is entertaining because it coupled with a lot of capability and power.”

Fanboy Planet: “writer Jim Zub and artist Lan Medina announce their intention to create a book that does what superhero comics should — thrill and amuse.”

Major Spoilers: 8.3/10 “There is not a lot of exposition, not a lot of set-up, you learn what you need to know while the adventure unfolds. No information dump here, it’s fast running action that catches you up as you go and gives you enough hints to understand without spelling it out. Zub is giving us good, clean writing that thrills.”

Monkeys Fighting Robots: “You might not know a lot about the Agents of Wakanda right now but it’s only a matter of time before some of them become breakout stars.”

Multiversity Comics: 8.9/10 “The fantastic and well-paced script is complemented by fantastic and well-paced artwork. Artist Lan Medina is a comic book veteran, and his talents are on full display in “Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda” #1. His artwork blends old school dynamic action with modern facial expressions and shading, which is both easy to follow and fun to look at.”

Newsarama: “Medina’s artwork here is spectacular — car chases are really hard to pull off in static imagery, but Medina uses a few select dynamic images to not only convey the action, but to engage the reader’s imagination.”

Old Man Wade: 10/10 “a Wakandan funded team of superheroes instills confidence that any outside threat can be dealt with eventually, so the tension will primarily come from the team members themselves and how a hostile world will react to a much more proactive Wakanda.”

On Comics Ground: “Okoye, Wasp, Man-Wolf, and Fat Cobra interact hilariously. The action is solid and the art is great”

Paradox Comics Group: “an interesting start and plenty of potential. Zub sensibly avoids heralding them as the ‘next big thing’ and does what he arguably does best: taking minor characters and throwing them together, allowing us to learn about them as they learn about each other.”

The Pullbox: “Zub’s concept for this series plumbs the vasty richness of the Marvel Universe, seeking its dark, dusty and untended corners, while remaining fresh, new and accessible to even the casual fan.”

Sequential Planet: 7.7/10 “Comics like this, with a cast of out of the way characters like Man-Wolf and Fat Cobra, end up being a lot of fun. And you know what? This issue is a lot of fun. The story is good, the art is good, what’s not to like about this comic?”

Super Powered Fancast: 8.6/10 “Zub has subtly introduced conflicts, motivations and side stories that have gotten my attention and the final reveal at the end of this issue was both surprising and intriguing. Lan Medina does an amazing job with the art in this issue. The characters look great and the action is well done.”

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