Avengers #689 Reviews

Avengers #689, the action-packed climax of our story, arrived in stores last week. What did the critics think? Read on and find out…

Adventures In Poor Taste: 8/10 “The writing team has continually made a point to highlight various characters throughout the story and give them their own identities and uses in a battle situation.”

Caped-Joel: 8.5/10 “It’s an issue that puts the focus on all the great things the Avengers can do when they’re fighting as a team.”

Comic Town: “The highlight for me was the art…Pepe Larraz. My brand new favorite. Give him an event book any time, every time.”

Comic Book University: Grade: A+ “This is absolutely one of my favorite Avengers stories ever…This is the stuff that makes me happy to be a comic book reader.”

Comicosity: 10/10 “No Surrender has been a widescreen epic since the first panel. The creative team figured out a way to highlight some lesser-known Avengers, but managed to keep the tale epic in scope and severe in consequence.”

Comicsverse: 8.7/10 “Living Lightning delivers a message that hits home: ‘We fight for those who can’t fight alongside us. To give them just a little hope.'”

Diskingdom: 8/10 “This is one heck of an issue as it’s full of action and brings a natural finish to a story I’ve been following for months. I found it interesting how the final battles with both elders were handled so differently.”

Do You Even Comic Book: 10/10 “Avengers #689 is too layered to breeze through and toss on the shelf. You’ll be back, because this one will pull you back with its tightly woven story and some of the very best visuals I’ve ever seen.”

Fortress of Solitude: 9/10 “A great reminder of why the Avengers are who they are and what they stand for.”

Geeked Out Nation: “Avengers #689 was an exciting exploration of what it means to be an Avenger. Some creative teams will miss that mark, but not this one…Ask for the full package of an event, and what you have is this.”

Legion Of Myth: 9/10 “That was a great end to this arc…I really, really enjoyed the issue.”

Rogues Portal: “With a satisfying climax to the No Surrender saga, Avengers #689 is the penultimate issue of an impressively epic superhero story that’s worth your time.”

Sci-Fi Pulse: Grade: A+ ” Perfect payoff. This is how to end an epic! The heroes are brave and smart, the villains tremendous. The story gives you all you could want and more and the art is to die for.”

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