Zubby Newsletter – July 31, 2000

July’s over… unbelievable.

When you start seeing the ‘Back To School’ sale signs, you know summer holidays are coughing out their last 🙂 They used to make me so paranoid about school. Now, it’s just another sign of changing seasons.

The heat in Calgary is unreal. Humid and unforgiving. It feels far more like a Toronto summer then one out west. It’s nice, but it’s still the kind of weather that makes you feel like it’s time to shower 5 times a day. Yeesh.

I bought new glasses last week. Shock of shocks. Strangely enough, they look good. It’s not like the old glasses my parents had picked out for me as a kid. They’re light and subtle. Go figure, it makes me look decent and maybe a little intellectual. The optometrist said I was wearing my contact lenses WAY too much and that it was hurting my vision. Now I can juggle between the two a little easier and save my eyes a bit.

It’s going to be a strange August. Tanya’s going away for a week mid way through the month and my roommate Jean’s going to be out of town for a couple weeks starting this Thursday. It may be a way for me to get more work done or just an excuse to laze around more.

Speaking of Tanya, we’re approaching the 4 month mark in our relationship next week. Who’d have thunk it? That’ll be a record relationship length for me (which is pitiful, I know) and it’s been relatively stress free thus far. Either I’m getting more mature, she’s getting more patient or something in between. In any case, I’ll just keep chugging ahead and see how things go. No point in jinxing it with over analysis.

I’ve been doing several extra lectures for the multimedia classes at the school and it’s been fun. I quite like joining up with a class, talking for several hours and doing a presentation about art, film or animation. No assignments, no pressure, just relating information. It’s also nice walking down the halls and having students ask me other questions later. I’m sure most of them assumed I was just another student until I was introduced for the lecture. It’s kind of funny seeing their expressions when they introduce me.

I’ve set a goal to update my personal art page every other day or more. Even if it’s just a doodle or a sketch… it should be do-able. I need to increase my output and having that imposed deadline should help. I’ve cut back on other internet stuff I’m doing to focus on my own efforts for a change.

I saw a great movie called Swimming With Sharks on video the other day. It’s sharp and inventive stuff. Good dialogue and characters that draw you in. Just when you think you’ve pegged the good guys and the bad guys, it spins you. Check it out if you get a chance. It’s nice seeing a smart film that isn’t 100 million dollars and boiling over with FX.

Otherwise, things are good. Everything’s moving along as usual, and you want to use the war analogy, I’m winning so far 🙂

Over and out.

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