Not At Emerald City Comic Con This Year

After discussing the events happening in Washington State and the extensive travel Stacy and I hope to be taking through the rest of 2020, we’ve decided that setting up at Emerald City Comic Con next week isn’t a risk we’re willing to take, so unfortunately we’re bowing out of the show this year. My apologies.

The number of convention goers I interact with, the extensive social interactions that make ECCC such a special show for Stacy and I…we can already tell that it’s going to be a very different kind of event this year and, with both the financial and time commitment involved, we had to make this choice. That’s not through any fault of the Reedpop crew or the amazing fans in Seattle, it’s just the broader state of events currently out of our control.

I’m less worried about personally getting ill than the risk of the show being cancelled soon after we arrive or, more importantly, possibly transferring a virus to my family, friends, or students here in Toronto. This year is extra special for me, career-wise, and I’d love to celebrate that in a big way but it’ll have to wait until another event.

I hope I’m wrong and everything in Seattle goes smoothly. Wishing all of you well.

Thank you for your understanding.

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